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  1. rasnme

    Love those Blennies!!!!

  2. rasnme

    Not a fish but I need help,, PLEAES !!

    thank you guy's your the best!!!! we did it once already and so far so good got my fingers crossed that it will make it .. Thank you again and again
  3. rasnme

    Not a fish but I need help,, PLEAES !!

    John or bang could you tell me if this is a one time dip or something that can be done more then once?? Thank you so much for your help
  4. rasnme

    hope someone can help

    Thank you Thomas for your help
  5. rasnme

    Not a fish but I need help,, PLEAES !!

    thank you for your help
  6. rasnme

    Pretty in Pink

    sorry but I guess you can't read to well, it says isn't Buster the cutest thing sitting in THE PINK CORAL
  7. rasnme

    Not a fish but I need help,, PLEAES !!

    My hubby bought this for me on Friday, and I am not sure if this is the mouth or if there is something wrong with it help me please
  8. rasnme

    hope someone can help

    My hubby bought this for me on Friday,, could you tell me is this the mouth or is there something wrong with it
  9. rasnme

    Pretty in Pink

    yes tons of character, he reminds me of a dog when he stands checking things out
  10. rasnme

    Pretty in Pink

    my camera that I use is a fujifilm 2650, doesn't always take the best of pictures not sure it it's the carera or me , but it's easy to use!!!
  11. rasnme

    Pretty in Pink

    ok maybe not pretty but isn't Buster the cutest thing sitting in the pink coral
  12. rasnme

    Whole Tank Pictures

    :cheer: pretty pretty tank goodwin9
  13. rasnme

    Whole Tank Pictures

    I really want to change mine around, but hubby says I'm on my own if i want to do that
  14. rasnme

    something new

    :joy: Thank you
  15. rasnme

    something new

    heres Buster
  16. rasnme

    gobies, gobies anfd more gobies!!!!

    :cheer: just gotta love the little guy
  17. rasnme

    Show me your brain

    if I only had a brain
  18. rasnme

    maybe someone can help

    Does anyone know if a percula clown and a maroon clown can be put into the same tank,, a 90 gal tank??
  19. rasnme

    clown question

    can you put a percula clown and a maroon clown in the same tank?
  20. rasnme

    clown question

    Can you put a percula clown and a maroon clown in the same tank?