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  1. thefishguy

    new fish pics

    oh and the rabbit, thats ralph yes he is litter trained and gets to run around when im cleaning the tanks everyday.
  2. thefishguy

    new fish pics

    yes yes the 172 bow or 180 is getting ordered actualy still making up my mind, i also have a 135 to but i want somthing even bigger for them.
  3. thefishguy

    new fish pics

    nope not at all actualy its goin great since the hipppo is teh biggist
  4. thefishguy

    new fish pics

    new fish pic/ moved tank pics just got a new hippo tang on sunday, just thought i would share... hes bigger then the sohal and the sohal just doesnt know what to do...heh
  5. thefishguy

    "Blah" naso tang

    when young they tend to stress out and turn darker almost black with white spots, just keep him happy
  6. thefishguy

    new cam (early x-mas gift) ! lots of reef pics

    thanks, yeah the slider is in the 135.... i didnt have an album just for the turtles yet maybe i should though...:D
  7. thefishguy

    new cam (early x-mas gift) ! lots of reef pics

    i have new pics of my tank... including refgium, sump, whole shots, & dinner time, .... and i got pics of my new naso tang i got when i went home for pics album 2
  8. thefishguy

    refuge pics please
  9. thefishguy

    refuge pics please

    i will it looks realy good right now i just re did it avtualy the hair algea became a big problem.. so i had to cut out the pvc and everything to eliminate it.. re did all of it
  10. thefishguy

    refuge pics please

    i just got some good pics of my fuge but i have to develop them.... maybe in a few days..
  11. thefishguy

    90 gall pics

    pics of my fish, water was cloudy cuz rock slide:(
  12. thefishguy

    Vermiculated Angelfish

    i had a bout 5 inch adult singapore(virmiculated) angelfish for about 4 years with a purple tang and a hippo tang in my tank also with a flame angelfish, and tomato clown. He never messed with the tangs or the dwarf that i ever saw, He would swim with the tangs not causing trouble. I fed...
  13. thefishguy

    Grren Hair Algea Takeover- HELP!

    when you say nitrates are in normal range...u need to be more specific you want them under 10 if your realy serious about geting rid of the hair algea. Get rid of the problem at the source use reverse osmosis water and take a tooth brush and scrub it out. once yur water is good it will stop...