"Blah" naso tang


I bought a small blonde naso tang about 2 months ago. I followed proper QT and introduction and his behavior seems ok - eats well, etc., although he is pretty timid. My question concerns his coloration - or lack of. He tends to stay in somewhat of a grey state, with the bright colored markings never showing. Sometimes the colors show a bit, but never close to the bright colors I've seen in others or in pictures. Even in the QT his colors showed somewhat better. Is this a sign of stress, or nutritional issues, or something else? I feed a descent variety of foods, and none of the other fish are particularly aggressive with him. I'd appreciate any thoughts. Thanks.


I feed the tank 2x/day - one feeding w/ frozen and the other flakes. I have 4 types of frozen that I rotate through, changing daily. The frozen is brine shrimp, ocean nutrition formula two, mysis shrimp, and an angel blend (I forget the label.) The flakes are all Ocean Nutrition labels: Formula one, formula two, prime reef, and brine shrimp plus, again rotating daily. Last I keep a sprig of caulerpa for the tangs to munch on.


I feed mine Brine,mysis,frozen prime reef.All mixed together with couple drops garlic extreme and Zoe. Works well and my tangs are very vibrant. I am going to include Cyclop eeze to his diet ,I recommend you do the same.