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  1. manjisann

    My First Real Nano

    Very nice! I must say I suffer from tank envy. I to would like to see a picture of the suspension, and the protein skimmer.
  2. manjisann

    Project Fishroom underway for new 240 setup

    :jumping: This is really cool, I am very jealous. I hope to someday be able to build a fish room!!!!!!
  3. manjisann

    Frogspawn question???

    Yaksplat- what lighting do you have on your tank? Do you guys thing that about 6.5 watts of PC lighting per gallon is enough?
  4. manjisann

    Frogspawn question???

    I'm not trying to hijack this thread, I am just wondering is her lighting enough? I have thought of putting some in my 20 gal. tank and I have 130 watts of pc on it, what do you think.
  5. manjisann

    Coraline Algae

    MrMaroon, yes I do have live rock with coralline algae on it, that was part of why I am confused. All of my parameters are where they are supposed to be, the only one that is off is alkalinity, and that is just a little high. I don't really want to use Kalkwasser as I don't want to have to rig...
  6. manjisann

    Coraline Algae

    I've had my tank up since 08/2004 and I don't have any coraline algae growth on the glass or equipment. I have only recently been adding calcium to get the levels up to specs. Any suggestions?
  7. manjisann

    what do copperband butterfly eat?

    Hello, welcome to the hobby. I have been told that Copper Band Butterflys will eat Aptasia. If you don't know, Aptasia is a nuisance glass anemone that given half a chance will take over your tank. If you want to purchase one you would need a fairly established tank. When purchasing it make sure...
  8. manjisann

    protein skimmer essential?

    I don't have a protien skimmer on my tank and it is doing just fine. Skimmers are not like water, you don't technically HAVE to have one. They just let you get away with putting a heavier bio load in your tank, but if you keep the load down your tank will be fine without one. Don't get me wrong...
  9. manjisann

    fake plants?

    I believe that you should do the water change especially when the tank is cycling. The point of a water change is to help export waste before it can be broken down. I am not suggesting massive water changes, just the usuall 10%, it will ofter help with algae problems. The water change also...
  10. manjisann

    All Utah Reefers

    Congrats, I love my six line, he has a lot of personality and has no fear. Do you have a pic of the yellow star polyps, I've seen green ones, but not yellow.
  11. manjisann

    Water quality question?

    The nitrate will remain sorta high until all of the ammonia is gone. you need to figure out what is causing the ammonia. Do you currently have any fish, or is it just the snails you mentioned earlier? Assuming that nothing in your tank is dying off, you may just want to give it a little time...
  12. manjisann

    fake plants?

    Can you post a picture of the red algae? It sounds like micro algae that most new tanks get, you just have to keep up with your water changes and it will eventually go away. You can also brush it off the rock during the water change. I used to get a nasty brown algae on my sand, and I would...
  13. manjisann

    Hello everybody

    If you don't have lights on during the cycle algae blooms are virtually eliminated.
  14. manjisann

    High on Nitrates

    How long have you had the nitrate spike? From what I have heard crushed coral takes a while to build up a nitrate bed. Also how much and how often are you feeding your tank? Nitrate is the end product of decomposition.
  15. manjisann

    moving a fish tank

    I had to move my tank during the winter in the back of a pickup truck. I just put the fish in a styrofoam cooler with a heater in it until I left, this kept the temp fairly constant. I would just use five gallon buckets with enough water to cover the rock and stuff. I would also recommend having...
  16. manjisann

    Water quality question?

    Unless you have mass die offs, one snail here and there are not too bad. You have to remember that these animals are traumatized during transit. I've heard that the test strips are not very accurate, but this is just second hand knowledge. 20 some odd pounds of live rock in a 12 gal. tank should...
  17. manjisann

    All Utah Reefers

    I was just curious if anyone was in the general area. I see other people who trade corals, but I am hesitant to mail them. SW Wyoming, Colorado, etc, just near Utah. What does everyone have in their tanks? I have a Tongue Coral, Polyps, Ricordea Mushroom, and feather duster.
  18. manjisann

    What's In Your Tank?

    Hey Lefty, can you email me that address for the nudibrancs? I think the three fish you have will be the max, the six line gets between 2-3 inches. HTH
  19. manjisann

    sixline wrasse has webbing?

    I believe that most wrasses do, and some parrot fish if my memeory is right. In the wild it helps to conceal there smell, in the fish tank it helps to concern us:scared:
  20. manjisann

    fake plants?

    Welcome to the hobby . First off it is a lot of work, sort of, but like children (when they are good) it is very rewarding. You need to be testing: Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, P.H. and Alkalinity, These are the bare minimum tests. With a tank that small your fish choices are very limited. There...