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  1. sencinias

    Change Reef tank to Fish Only

    I currently have had a reef tank up & running for about 2 years. We had lots of equipment problems off and on which have caused us to lose most of our coral. What I have left is a Pajama Cardinal, Blue Damsel, Black & White stripe damsel and a mandarin goby, purple mushrooms all over, a swollen...
  2. sencinias

    Snails and crabs

    I am wondering if im the only one that has hermit crabs and snails die? It seems i am replacing them every 2 months or so. Nothing seems to be eating them but im always finding empty shells
  3. sencinias

    Wanting Coraline on Tank Glass.

    Tank olny up and running for 8 months try waiting and giving it some time my 75 gallon has been up for 1 year and 1 month and im starting to see it on almost everything in my tank without adding anything extra
  4. sencinias

    blue linkia starfish

    My fiancee had brought me one home as a gift (without research) and it looked okay for a few weeks, then it had these big white bumps one them. It didn't move much during the day and I had noticed it didn't move at all one day so he reached in and tried to move it and it was hard as a rock...
  5. sencinias

    Tulip Snails Info Please!

    Good choice on the return of the tulip. I did some research on them and some of them can be poisonous to humans (deadly). They can inject a noro-toxin (spelling?) into you. Everything I've found so far says they are extremely dangerous and will eat inverts, corals, anemomes, etc. There was...
  6. sencinias

    Tulip Snail

    Does anyone have any of these? We've just purchased one and what we've read so far is that they are venomous and will eat starfish and other inverts. A hobbyist in our area just opened his own shop and has these and he said they are fine. The book does mention that many distrubutors will pass...
  7. sencinias

    red serpent star

    I have two of them and they seem to be doing just fine in my tank. I have about 13 corals, blue legged hermit crabs, 2 brittle stars, turbo and astrea snails, a tulip snail, seabea clown, blue damsel, banjai cardinal (spelling?), emerald crab and an arrow crab and everyone gets along. They...
  8. sencinias

    PC's vs VHO

    I had the SmartLite 75 gal with 50/50 bulbs that it came with on my 75 gal tank and the color just doesn't match the new VHO lighting I have now. I had someone lend me another hood when I had the PC lighting up and running and I added 1 actinic and 1 10,000 daylight but it's still no...
  9. sencinias

    my website's updated

    Very nice, great pictures.
  10. sencinias


    Lighting was my big mistake, I let the LFS talk me into the PC lighting and everything looked alright but wasn't really thriving. I recently upgraded to VHO and my tank looks incredible now. Everything is so full of color and it really made a big difference. Make sure you look over lighting...
  11. sencinias

    Pictures of reef

    Looks great.
  12. sencinias

    pc lighting

    Can anyone that likes PC lighting help me out? I currently have the 48" SmartLite Hood with 2 65watt 50/50 bulbs in it. I don't think I have enough blue light, the tank is very white looking. It sounds like everyone in the Reef section likes VHO better but wanted some other input too. I went...
  13. sencinias

    pc vs. vho lighting

    Hey Ranger I thought you were back to being a Shark! Thanks for the help all. I'm going to try and get new lighting this week. Have a good one.
  14. sencinias

    pc vs. vho lighting

    I currently have a 75 gal tank with PowerCompact 50/50 65watt bulbs. I'm not happy with the colors that it's showing on the tank. I was thinking of upgrading to VHO, is that going to up my electric a lot? Is it a lot more expensive? I can't afford the Metal Halide but would like to go VHO...