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  1. magic mark

    Converting the 10 Gallon

    kimmie, ur only using regular freshwater gravel? that wont work very well in a mrine system. sand is even cheaper than that. $2 for 50 pounds :yes:
  2. magic mark

    Converting the 10 Gallon

    goblue i DISAGREE! filter for 10gal......20 bucks max! skimmer for 10gal? no! kimmie, 10gal will hold a max of 2 fish. so i would go with the 2 clowns. maybe if u like the neon gobies, you get some of them too as they are very very tiny and will even help control ich
  3. magic mark

    Just got me a 16gal bow

    BTA get even bigger...ive seen one over a foot long :eek:
  4. magic mark


    nope, my box is empty :notsure:
  5. magic mark

    Chandler's Tank

    the tube is for if u want the bubbles
  6. magic mark

    really neccesary to QT?

    i had a tank crash b/c i didnt QT i bought a ***** valentini puffer that spread ich to EVERYTHING (lost over $80 of fish)
  7. magic mark

    Tomato Clown with Xenia

    lol, silly clowns will host everything
  8. magic mark

    The new goby

    cool :)
  9. magic mark

    Quick need your help!?!

    well, my crappy lfs guy actually sold it to me dead he said it was just closed b/c it was irritated from him just dosing the tank with i dont remember:notsure: then i walk in the next day "no refunds on inverts" :rolleyes:, i was so pissed at him :mad:
  10. magic mark

    Quick need your help!?!

    lol go ahead:D do u have AIM or Yahoo msngr? my name is madawi369 if u ever wanan chat :)
  11. magic mark


    i didnt receive ur mail:confused:
  12. magic mark

    Quick need your help!?!

    since they are clsoed like that they wont sting u. if the sponge bothers u, then u can remove it. there's nothing wrong with it lol. i dont think they get very big anyway
  13. magic mark

    Quick need your help!?!

    by the way....did u kill that frogspawn urself? lol i killed mine:D
  14. magic mark

    Quick need your help!?!

    im pretty sure thats a q-tip sponge....harmless filter feeder:) ya thats bubble looks like you might be able to get ur fingers in between to pinch it off the zoos. they are pretty tough and will take some force to pop, so dont be affraid to "get rough" try to push it to one side...
  15. magic mark

    The Coralline Thread

    Blueleg munching hair algae i wish my coralline would spread as fast as hair!
  16. magic mark

    The Coralline Thread

  17. magic mark

    The Coralline Thread

  18. magic mark

    The Coralline Thread

    lets see some close-ups of your coralline varieties! here's my purple
  19. magic mark

    Chandler's Tank

    wow nice tank Rusty Dusty, here;s my baby :D
  20. magic mark

    Quick need your help!?!

    lol, now mine says "blue hippo tang" i guerss it changes after 50 posts :D