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  1. tnmarine

    Converting CC to LS

    Okay now I really hate it when my husband tells me to ask a question and then when I ask he tells me that I have it all wrong..... We don't have CC we have crushed aragonite or at least that's what he said. Is the crushed aragonite the same thing as CC? Would it be okay to put the cured ls...
  2. tnmarine

    Converting CC to LS

    I did a search and couldn't find a step by step process. So if anyone knows and doesn't want to post it here please email it to me at thanks
  3. tnmarine

    Converting CC to LS

  4. tnmarine

    Converting CC to LS

    Okay, we've decided to take the plunge and convert our cc to dsb. We are planning on getting some southdown sand from our local Home Depot (cross your fingers they have some) and a bag of live sand from our LFS. Can someone tell me step by step how to do this? Do I have to cycle the southdown...
  5. tnmarine

    do ya wanna...

    My clowns in their RBTA Fuji Fine Pix A210
  6. tnmarine

    Clown ?

    I have two perculas in my 130 gallon that are hosting in my rbta. Well the female is turning dark almost black along the top of her head and down her back. Is this normal or something I should be worried about? Thanks ahead :confused: Aimee
  7. tnmarine

    anyone have a problem with hartz flea drops?

    I washed him in Dawn dishwashing liquid. Don't know what makes Dawn so special but it works. Skeet is acting like his normal self this morning running around wanting to be held and loved on. I am going to try natural flea meds now. Like apple cider vinegar in the water. If that doesn't...
  8. tnmarine

    anyone have a problem with hartz flea drops?

    Just an update, my kitten (Skeet) is doing much better tonight. I think he is going to be just fine. Thanks for all the replies. Aimee :jumping: :cheer: :happy:
  9. tnmarine

    anyone have a problem with hartz flea drops?

    Tell me about it. Never using their products again :mad: :scared: Aimee
  10. tnmarine

    anyone have a problem with hartz flea drops?

    This afternoon I put these Hartz flea drops on a kitten that someone had sat out at my father in law's. Now he is shaking like a leaf and everything I read says it's a reaction to the flea drops. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem and what the treatments were. I have washed the...
  11. tnmarine


    victoria79 email me I have 5 year old g/b twins. I know it helps just talking to another mother of multiples, someone who's been there. We mothers of multiples have to stick together. Aimee :)
  12. tnmarine

    My first clam any tips? Pics Included.

    Very pretty, but I am like you I know nothing about clams. Might have to learn about them and put one in my tank. Did ya get my email? Aimee :)
  13. tnmarine

    Zooanthid growth pictures included.

    Sent you an email just wanted to make sure you got it. Scott & Aimee:D
  14. tnmarine

    East TN anyone??

    We are just looking for some people close to us that are into this hobby too. I'm glad to see some are pretty close. Talk to you soon Aimee & Scott :happyfish
  15. tnmarine

    Zooanthid growth pictures included.

    we mainly go to Pet Cove. Haven't been to Sea Oddities in a while.
  16. tnmarine

    Zooanthid growth pictures included.

    looks good to me! Where did you get it an lfs? I am in Hampton TN near Elizabethton. What lfs do you use or do you get your stuff online? Aimee & Scott
  17. tnmarine

    they are hosting in my rbta

    My two perculas are hosting in my rbta. The female stays in the rbta and the male keeps swimming through and staying right near her. We were thinking they were going to take a while to decide to host, but woke up this morning and there they were. Will have hubby take some pics tonight and...
  18. tnmarine

    The Age Old Question: When will they pair up, when did yours?

    :happyfish Ours paired up the night we brought the smaller one home from our LFS and have stayed together since. :happyfish Aimee & Scott
  19. tnmarine

    What is this?

    We will keep it and see what it turns out to be. I'll keep everyone posted. Thanks for identifing (hope I spelled that right) it for us :joy: Aimee & Scott
  20. tnmarine

    Porcupine/Puffer And Triggers Picture Post

    Our Humu Humu Trigger