I am Instread in getting a Bicolor Blenny and a Scooter Blenny. If i get them WHat should I Feed them. I do know that they are herbivore. PLease let me know what they would eat
What is the name of a Bad Anemones that can live un bad lighting please help i dont know if i have it in my tank of not i just have something in a rock that hangs out.
well depends where i got to 2 places
one is Elmers pet store out in Monroville
and the second one is in Wilkinsburgh called Wilkinsburgh pets anyother questions let me know
I have a Skilter 250 and a Red sea skimmer that is all i can afford right now also i have a bio wheel for a 120 gallon and an filter for 60 gallons dont know the name
I have a Skilter 250 and a Red sea skimmer that is all i can afford right now also i have a bio wheel for a 120 gallon and an filter for 60 gallons dont know the name
I am a new at Saltwater tanks what is the most Affordable Lighting good for some basic coral and anemones. My tank Size in a 55 gallon with some live rock 3 different clowns and 2 goobies and a yellow tang. :thinking:
I have Live Rock and Some crabs and shrimp but the Beauty died last night but my tang is looking better but i want to make sure that my other fish dont have it how should i go about that.
55 gallon tank is a new setup for about 2 ½ months.I have a Yellow Tang , Coral Beauty, Percula Clown, and just add a CLEAN Maroon Clown and started to notice white spots on yellow tang and coral Beauty what do I need to do to clean it up.