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  1. jeffkoz

    new home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. jeffkoz

    moving a tank on carpet?

    Just a newbie but. Even if you can move the tank w/o cracking the glass you will have a HUGE amount of dust and garbage from prep work, cutting the tile. I did the same thing about six months ago. Put rock with as much water as possible into a new 100 gallon cooler on a furnature mover (2X4 box...
  3. jeffkoz

    What to feed coral

    This is in a 55gal with the Orbit 4X65. as far as spot feeding, is Cyclop-eeze the way to go?
  4. jeffkoz

    What to feed coral

    Still VERY new and don't have a clue. I have Torch coral Sun coral Flower pot coral Small Brain coral Plate coral What do I feed them? LFS said Marine snow and then said it was for filter feeders only. I have been adding Cyclop-eeze evey day but not sure if it enough? Any help will help.
  5. jeffkoz

    Cloudy Water (Help)

    Sorry for the delay in postingbut just got out of the hospital from knee sugery. I got up the next morning after doing nothing and the water cleared up. Alge bloom??
  6. jeffkoz

    Cloudy Water (Help)

    Thanks jk
  7. jeffkoz

    Cloudy Water (Help)

    parameters good. I was thinking about changing the filters and 10-15% water change but I can't do that until tomorrow.
  8. jeffkoz

    Cloudy Water (Help)

    Water is cloudy white. Have a small test kit for pH, Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate. all good I know about the tang but the boss won't listen. Tank has been up and running for about a year.
  9. jeffkoz

    Cloudy Water (Help)

    Hi; Got home from work and found water in my 55Gal very cloudy. Water tested good yesterday - LFS. Stores are closed today but I have not added anything other than RO. I have had a problem starting with brown alge on my glass, I am guessing I had been running my light too long and cut that back...
  10. jeffkoz

    Totally Amazing!!!!!!!!
  11. jeffkoz

    Oxygen Question

    Yea, I forgot to add that I have a Maxi-jet 600 power head in there and was thinking about adding another. Water movenent is very good but was worried. Thanks for the advise!
  12. jeffkoz

    Oxygen Question

    I have a 55Gal with Cascade 700 canister and a Regent hang-on (don't know the model but it is the same size as an Emperor 400). I was worried about not having enough oxygen in the water. Should I get an air pump or two? Thanks in advance!:D
  13. jeffkoz

    Ich question

    OK; Is ich in the fish or the water? I have a Coral Bueaty and a blue tang with tiny white spots. The LF guy keeps telling my wife all we need to do is turn the heater up. 55gal with around 25Lbs lr set up about 3 months water tests OK but the salt is a little low (was told OK since I don't...
  14. jeffkoz

    Fireworks & Fish (Help)

    Thanks. I was thinking about some soundproffing material. Everyone was doing just fine until the big stuff starting going off. VERRY heavy breathing over the night and when i got up the blue was gone. The other 2 were still breathing hard so i left my light off and finally lost the yelloy...
  15. jeffkoz

    Fireworks & Fish (Help)

    Thanks. We have about 35lbs of lr and all three were quite small,but will hold off on adding more until going bigger and more lr. thanks
  16. jeffkoz

    Fireworks & Fish (Help)

    Over the past two days I have lost yellow tang, blue tang, and a manderian gobbie from my 55gal. Water tests are OK and have had them for a month to three months. There was a large fireworks display a few blocks from my house on the 4th. My wife said she say the blue tang "jump in the tank". Has...