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  1. ohsofishy

    Calling all 180 gal owners

    I am also in the process of planning to set up a 180 gallon tank. I have questions about the lighting needed also. Right now i have a carpet anemonie and i would like to pick up some live rock. What kind of lighting would i need to provide strong enough lighting for the live rock and also on...
  2. ohsofishy


    :confused: I had used the cheap stuff called "Quick Cure" when i first started out, that is what killed my snails and star in the beginning but it has been probably a good 6 water changes since then. You see at first i thought that when it stated that "not intended for reef tanks" i thought it...
  3. ohsofishy


    Hi, I am completely new to this chatroom , so i hope i submit my messages right. I was reading about the crab problem and i just had a problem alot like this. I just bought a red legged hermit crab and a star fish and a turbo snail(same day) 2 days later the snail was dead and was getting aten...