

I came home from my vaction today and i saw one my "redleg" hermit crab had a different shell,well that shell belonged to my small turbo snail!Now my redlegs are killing my small turbos(not the big ones).This is normal right?:notsure:
"Those bloody murderers!":mad:


Maybe the snail died on it's own and the hermit is an innocent bystander who is a fast and smart real estate agent!!


Active Member
Are they moving into the snails' shells that they killed? They probably need bigger shells because the hermits are growning.


You need to run out and buy more empty shells. Somebody said that they got theirs at the dollar store, just boil 'em first.


I have empty shells and it wasn't 15 minutes after I put 5 conchs in that a crab got one. My crabs are now all in my pod tank.



Originally posted by Tizzo
You need to run out and buy more empty shells. Somebody said that they got theirs at the dollar store, just boil 'em first.

I have lots of empty shells,iam not that stupid.


I have had problems in the past with red legs,(I thought I was the only one) I was watching the tank one night and saw this crab attacking a snail, so I thought maybe the snail is sick, or maybe the crab just needs the shell. Anyway I let him have the shell, the next night I see him attacking another snail, so I thought you sob, I pulled him off the snail and put the snail in a safe spot. As soon as I let the crab go he jumped on another snail. So I put the red leg in "jail" the sump. I dont know if I just have bad luck with crabs but I dont think I will ever put any more in my tank.



Originally posted by lionfish28
I have lots of empty shells,iam not that stupid.

At what point did you interpret what I said about needing more shells, to indicating that you were stupid?? I'm curious to know what I should not post in the future so that people will not misread innocent advice as me calling them or indicating that they are stupid!!! I've read what I wrote over and over and I don't see what you do. If I did then I would apologize, but I will not apologize for your lack of understanding. If more shells are a common sence issue with you, then I'm sorry for the redundancy. Some people don't know these things, and how in the world am I supposed to know if your one of them or not??


New Member
Hi, I am completely new to this chatroom , so i hope i submit my messages right. I was reading about the crab problem and i just had a problem alot like this. I just bought a red legged hermit crab and a star fish and a turbo snail(same day) 2 days later the snail was dead and was getting aten by the red legged crab and my star was dead. Now i also bought an anemone that day also when i bought the others and it is doing fine. But i thought that maybe some of the medicine that i added to the tank when i first learned what an invertibrate was by killing them all ooops:( I thought that some of that was still stuck on the rocks and they ate it. However it did puzzle me "why didnt my crabs die also?" Do you think that this little red legged crab is the murderer of my snail and my star?



Originally posted by Ohsofishy
Hi, I am completely new to this chatroom , so i hope i submit my messages right. I was reading about the crab problem and i just had a problem alot like this. I just bought a red legged hermit crab and a star fish and a turbo snail(same day) 2 days later the snail was dead and was getting aten by the red legged crab and my star was dead. Now i also bought an anemone that day also when i bought the others and it is doing fine. But i thought that maybe some of the medicine that i added to the tank when i first learned what an invertibrate was by killing them all ooops:( I thought that some of that was still stuck on the rocks and they ate it. However it did puzzle me "why didnt my crabs die also?" Do you think that this little red legged crab is the murderer of my snail and my star?

not to hijack this thread butimo snail require alonger acclimation then hermits. as well as stars, imo ifyou dont acclimate snails and stars for over an hr the odds that they die are significantly higher,
and loinfish, there was no need for you to get an attitude, i understand your younger and that you sometimes think the obvious awnser might seem stupid (which it wasnt), but there are people here who didnt know what was posted, if you dont like what you see in response to yuor questions dont post


New Member
:confused: I had used the cheap stuff called "Quick Cure" when i first started out, that is what killed my snails and star in the beginning but it has been probably a good 6 water changes since then. You see at first i thought that when it stated that "not intended for reef tanks" i thought it only meant live rocks and corals.
Anyway i learned the hard way, poor fishys:( So what i am asking is does this :scared: (poop, put nicely) stick in the creavices of everything in the tank? I dont want to boil everything and kill all the biological processes i have established but, do i have to to get arid of this stuff out of the tank so i may buy a star again?