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  1. topaz330

    my maderin died yesterday

    he was doing perfectly in my tank had him about 4 months and was getting pretty plump. tanks been established about 2 years and even periodically put in codepods. he even sometimes ate the frozen. then out of nowhere i see him dead with the hermits picking at it. when i pulled him out he had a...
  2. topaz330

    one of my false percs died.

    i have two false percs. one of them i'm guessing died the other day, its missing. is it safe to buy another one and introduce them to the old one or will i have a aggression problem?
  3. topaz330

    dont know what happened to my mimic

    on the right rear his skin is a brownish color and seems to look his skin is raw in that area. i don't think he is going to make it that much longer. hes breathing hard and staying at the surface of the water. no joke this had to of happened in a matter of 24hrs. he was fine yesterday.
  4. topaz330

    dont know what happened to my mimic

    just today i saw my mimic swimming and acting funny so i go close up and see this on the side of him. anyone know what this is? only thing i know in the tank that can sting is a aussie duncan, frogspawns.sorry these are the best pics i can take
  5. topaz330

    power brown and mimic question

    I currently have a 72g bowfront FOWLR and some coral. nothing major. fish in the tank currently are 2 percula clowns, mimic yellow, maderine dragonete(tanks been established for 2 years before i put him in), and sixline wrasse. i just introduced a power brown and it seems like the yellow mimic...
  6. topaz330

    wierd polyp looking thing in my zoos

    yes after looking up what aiptasia looks like i'm almost 100% that is it. now since it is in the middle of the zoos how can i get rid of it without hurting the zoos?
  7. topaz330

    wierd polyp looking thing in my zoos

    in two of my zoos i have this brownish polyp looking thing that seems to irritate the zoos because the ones around it seem to me closed. it has these long tenticle looking things and not sure if i need to get rid of them or let them be... sorry i tried taking picks of it but none of them come...
  8. topaz330

    pulsing xenia problem...

    thanks, i just wasn't sure if it would mess with my water parameters when they died.
  9. topaz330

    pulsing xenia problem...

    one head of my pulsing xenia i think was knocked loose from one of my anemones and now its stuck at the bottom behind my live rock. i'm pretty sure its going to die if its not already dead because of the lack of light but the only way i can get it out is moving all my live rock... if i leave it...
  10. topaz330

    green brittle star problem?

    gotcha, well if anyone in the nj area wants a big brittle feel free to PM me.
  11. topaz330

    green brittle star problem?

    ok i maybe didn't do all my research on this guy but it seems like my green brittle star is trying to eat anything it can get its tenticles on. its alittle over a year old and about a good 10" to a foot spread out. yesterday i introduced some horseshoe crabs and the thing grabbed one and covered...
  12. topaz330

    setting up a new 210 gallon for my lounge

    so 40gall sump isn't enough? also as far as drilling the hole in the tanks i'm just a bit nervious because of the fact the glass is tempered. is that my only option to make the tank viewable 360? the sand is 160lbs i think. he said 8bags and i recall it was 20lbs a bag
  13. topaz330

    setting up a new 210 gallon for my lounge

    i'm setting up a 210 gallon to go in the middle of my downstairs bar. it has to be viewable 360 degrees. now i have a guy that quoted me approx 7500 installed with the rock, sand, water etc. basically all setup to go minus fish. the only specifics i know is that he's using a aga 210g that he's...
  14. topaz330

    Got the splashing solved in the overflow... but

    please keep me updated if you fix the problem... i have the same issue and my lfs that setup the tank told me it was because my return pump was too strong
  15. topaz330

    Lights/Skimmer/Filter/RO Unit For Sale

    hows about 40 shipped for the RO filter? my zip is 08857
  16. topaz330


    i have some outbreak of hair algae and after searching the forums it seems like seahares are the way to go... whats everyones experience in this? also i can't seem to find anyplace to buy it from... can anyone maybe PM or email me a address on where to get these? thanks! BTW my email is...
  17. topaz330

    major algae build up

    i don't have the hairy algae problem but the buildup on the glass and the dark green thin layer on the live sand. also some slime on the top of the water as well
  18. topaz330

    major algae build up

    what type of water are you using? RO how many gph do you have going through your tank right now? i honestly don't know how long do you leave your lights on? 8hr a day what are your water parameters....including phosphate? 0 nitrate 0 nitrite PH 8.2 0 amonia not sure about phosphates i don't...
  19. topaz330

    major algae build up

    recently i've been having major algae build up where its growing all over the glass and the live sand... its soo bad that basically everyday i have to scrub the tank clean... i have a 72g bow front... now i'm thinking its the lack of water movement/circulation in the tank... but if this is the...
  20. topaz330

    skunk clown for sale NYC

    i'm interested in the hippo... how long did you have him?