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  1. nemo8603

    Want to start a 26g Nano Bow Front...Need Help

    How often do you have to change the water in the tank in a 26g. I tried doing a search and it seems you have to change 20% of the water a month. So around 4 gallons a month I have to change. Is that correct?
  2. nemo8603

    is the 'Nano Cube' any good?? w/ specs..

    I keep reading about the nano cube. It sounds cool. Can someone post a pic of theirs. Thanks in advance.
  3. nemo8603

    Want to start a 26g Nano Bow Front...Need Help

    Now when you say working hard do you mean keeping the nitrates and gases down. And I figured you were going to say 55g minimum for the Tang. Thanks for your help.
  4. nemo8603

    Want to start a 26g Nano Bow Front...Need Help

    How much swimming space or space in general do you need for a Hippo Tang. I know I see alot of people say they need room and others say no. Just looking into that as well. But if someone can answer my first post first in this thread and then if you have time to help me with this one. I will...
  5. nemo8603

    Want to start a 26g Nano Bow Front...Need Help

    I am interested in starting a 26g Nano. I have a few ideas for fish. I wondering if that is too many. Please let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 1 Snowflake Eel 2 Clown Fish 1 small Anemone (maybe not positive) 3 Cleaner Clams 10 Blue Leg Hermits 1 Yellow Cucmber 1 Monkey...
  6. nemo8603

    26 Gallon Tank....Please Help

    Would I be able to put in either Blue Leg Hermits or what about the Hawain Zebra Hermit. Thanks
  7. nemo8603

    26 Gallon Tank....Please Help

    Perfect. Thats what I was looking for. That would look cool. I just know its an expensive hobby. And to be like ok I have 3 fish. But now that you named all that stuff I feel alot better. I thank everyone for their help. And if anyone else has any other ideas that I could use im always...
  8. nemo8603

    26 Gallon Tank....Please Help

    So 2 Clowns Yes, a starfish Yes, a gobey or a wrasse Yes. What other options do I have that I can go with for my tank. Thank you for both of your help. That is why I wanted to post up before I bought anything. Or are you saying that I should stick with 3 or 4 fish. What about the crabs or...
  9. nemo8603

    26 Gallon Tank....Please Help

    I wasn't going to do reef. Here is a list of basically what I wanted to do. 2 clown fish, 1 hippo tang, couple horse shoe crabs, yellow cucumber, a few of the 1/4" crabs, maybe a starfish, and maybe a sea horse if I can get one. I've just been looking to do more of just a fish type tank. I...
  10. nemo8603

    26 Gallon Tank....Please Help

    Anyone, I see alot of views but no replies. I just dont want to over do it on fish. I mean can you hvae more fish if you go smaller.
  11. nemo8603

    26 Gallon Tank....Please Help

    Hello I am new to Salt Water Fish but have been researching and have seen alot of help on here. Hopefully you can help me. I have been looking at the fish on here but dont want to go crazy. How many fish can you put in a tank that is 26 gallons. I am looking to stay with fish that are around...