26 Gallon Tank....Please Help


New Member
Hello I am new to Salt Water Fish but have been researching and have seen alot of help on here. Hopefully you can help me. I have been looking at the fish on here but dont want to go crazy. How many fish can you put in a tank that is 26 gallons. I am looking to stay with fish that are around 1-2 inches. I have been also looking at the crabs and sea horses. Any help would be great because I dont want to throw away money and they die. Thanks in advance...........


New Member
Anyone, I see alot of views but no replies. I just dont want to over do it on fish. I mean can you hvae more fish if you go smaller.


New Member
I wasn't going to do reef. Here is a list of basically what I wanted to do.
2 clown fish, 1 hippo tang, couple horse shoe crabs, yellow cucumber, a few of the 1/4" crabs, maybe a starfish, and maybe a sea horse if I can get one. I've just been looking to do more of just a fish type tank. I was also checking out some eels but figured that would over do it. Will that list over do it already. They all came around 1-2 inches.


New Member
So 2 Clowns Yes, a starfish Yes, a gobey or a wrasse Yes.
What other options do I have that I can go with for my tank. Thank you for both of your help. That is why I wanted to post up before I bought anything. Or are you saying that I should stick with 3 or 4 fish.
What about the crabs or peppermint shrimp. Or if you can give me any other suggestions that would be great too. Thanks


Active Member
Scarlet hermits 1 or 2 peppermint shrimp and sandsifting and glass cleaning snails should be fine. :D


New Member
wont the clowns fight alot for the first few weeks till they figure out who's dominant then settle down together? I read a book on clowns that said that they don't have any set gender till they are put together, so they fight to see who's dominant then that one becomes the female, while the other becomes the male, so, if that was correct, i would try to get different sizes so that the fighting doesn't last as long.
also, once they become a pair, they may become aggressive towards your other fish, so be prepared
Is that right? cuz i really want to breed clowns eventually. Anyway, i would expect fights if i were you, so don't freak out if they do.


New Member
Another suggestion.:D u might want to be careful about mixing hermit types. sometimes certain types are agressive towards other types. I have redlegs in mine, and once i added some scarlets. Bad idea. The redlegs hunted all of them down and ate them:nope:
I also have a coral banded and i love him! they are fun to watch.
Ok, last suggestion honest. I would put some mollies in also. they arent big and if you can get a breeding pair, the babies are very nice treaets for your other fish live food is always healthiest.:rolleyes:
if they get killed, don't worry cuz their a cheap investment. you can get them anywhere, but make sure you acclimate them if you get them from a freshwater store(they can live in either):joy:


New Member
Perfect. Thats what I was looking for. That would look cool. I just know its an expensive hobby. And to be like ok I have 3 fish. But now that you named all that stuff I feel alot better. I thank everyone for their help.
And if anyone else has any other ideas that I could use im always checking to expand or to see what I can put together. Thanks again..........


New Member
as i said, i have redlegs and have never had snail killing problems. just make sure you have plenty of shells. You could even use shells you have picked up( if you live near a spot), but make sure you boil them in water first. :)


New Member
I tend to get tired of reading that tangs arnt good small tank fish! I have had a Hippo and Yellow tang in my 29 gallon tank for 4 years. Hippo is 9 inches Yellow is 6 inches. Neither have ever had ick both eat great. Hippo's are my favorite fish and since I dident have 100's of dollars for a baltimore aquarium tank I made it work and ive been extremely happy with my results. Fish of the same species are like people some need lots of room others can live in a small space. What my tank lacks in size its made up for in care and so far my care has kept my tangs in wonderful condition.


Active Member

Originally posted by Magic_Carp
you are by far the worst hobbiest i have ever seen, far worse then lionfish....

The ultimate insult
(probably is lionfish


Active Member

Originally posted by Magic_Carp
ok dude, tangs NEED 5 feet of swimming room, yes 5 feet in order to thrive, and a 29 cant give that, how about you quit giving flase advice and start to research, every site on the net says they need more then a 29, EVERYONE and if you can find one thats says they can "thrive" in a 29 then show me.

YES:yes: !!!!!!!!!!!!!