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  1. fish_kisses

    10g with 10g fuge?????'s

    Personally I would setup a siphon type of system for your tens. Having one powerhead pump in, and one pump back out, it's just a flood waiting to happen, what if one of your pumps fails...what's the other one going to do...keep on pumpin. also it would be easier to equalize the water depth on...
  2. fish_kisses

    question for anyone with a 12 gallon NANO CUBE

    I'm just curious if anyone has had good results with the 12 gallon nano cube?? I was wondering if Lighting on the tank is good enough for corals, or is the built in filter worth a darn?? anyways I was just wondering.
  3. fish_kisses

    Lights for the 5 gallon walmart eclipse

    I could have sworn that someone on this forum had a Galaxy 5 "Walmart's Eclipse Tank" that had a powercompact retro fit on it, but now I can't find it. So if anybody knows what pc fixture or kit fits the awkward hood of the little tank that I speak of, could you give me some insight as to how...
  4. fish_kisses

    Sump for a 20 Long

    I'm not really sure what I'll use , but This will be the first one that I've done. So I was just looking for people who could give me an idea of how to go about it....And I wasn't planning on drilling the tank, I would just have an over the back of the tank overflow and inlet...But I just have...
  5. fish_kisses

    Sump for a 20 Long

    I don't want to set up another tank just one...Please any helpful information???
  6. fish_kisses

    Sump for a 20 Long

    I know that I may not need one, but I'd like to set one up because I've got a lot of live rock that I don't want to get rid of, and if I can utilize it for filtration, then why waste it??
  7. fish_kisses

    Sump for a 20 Long

    I am going to start a 20 gallon long tank with rock and sand from the 55 gallon that I am tearing down. A buddy of mine is building the stand so that I can put a 10 gallon sump/fuge under the tank. I am trying to do this with as little money as possible since my wife is getting perterbed with...
  8. fish_kisses

    what would be the "perfect" equipment for a 10 gallon nano

    I was just wondering, what would be the "perfect" equipment for use on a standard 10 gallon tank?? Lighting, filtering, current, skimmer or combo, etc...??
  9. fish_kisses

    How much Live Sand for a 10 gallon ??

    My wife and I had a diamond Goby for a while, and we just loved it. I didn't realize that they needed small sand to live in and I think that the crushed coral that we had in the tank was too big. Anyway lesson learned. I was wondering if a Ten gallon would be too small for one Diamond Goby...
  10. fish_kisses

    How much Live Sand for a 10 gallon ??

    Thanks a Bunch!!
  11. fish_kisses

    How much Live Sand for a 10 gallon ??

    I saw that I can get 20 lbs of live sand on this sight. Would that be too much for a ten gallon, or would I end up throwing some out?
  12. fish_kisses

    Equipment question for CBSHARK??

    I'm downsizing to a smaller tank. I currently have a 55 gallon reef tank, and I'm trading to a buddy of mine so I can have a running automobile. Anyway, I have a 5 gallon just like yours, and I have to say that seeing your tank had definately inspired me to change it to saltwater. I have one...
  13. fish_kisses

    20 Gallon Long Tank??

    I've seen the forum, but what exactly is a NANO tank...
  14. fish_kisses

    20 Gallon Long Tank??

    right now I've got a 55 gallon, set up with mushroom corals, lots of live rock, rock anemone, and three fish, I'm getting rid of my 55 and all of the stuff, but I want to set up a smaller one until I get moved and buy a bigger tank again. I just want to do a little mini reef setup, not too...
  15. fish_kisses

    20 Gallon Long Tank??

    I am downsizing my saltwater, because I am moving in the next year. I was wondering if a 20 gallon long tank would be a good tank to do saltwater in. This way I can continue with my saltwater tank, but it will be much easier to move.
  16. fish_kisses

    cheapest and most effecient way to purify crappy tap water?

    I am moving in a couple of months and the town that i'm movin to has really really crappy tap water. I need to know what would be the most effecient and cheap way to cure this problem.. And also any alternative methods or ideas would be greatly appreciated. :D
  17. fish_kisses

    porcelain crabs and hatian condi

    Thank you for responding. So far the crabs have not gone in the condi but are hanging nearby. They are even moving with him as he adjusts himself to my tank. I am not nearly as worried about them now. I just hope that it is a matter of time before they climb on in and become buddies:) :cool:
  18. fish_kisses

    porcelain crabs and hatian condi

    My Carpet anemone died and my two little porcelain crabs were left without a host. Will the crabs take to a hatian condi? Quick replacement from the LFS to give them a home. Hopefully it will work but if anyone has this pairing tell me good or bad please. Thanks
  19. fish_kisses

    Help me my carpet anemone is gonna bite the dust!!

    The stupid condi decided to commit suicide while we were gone. He got himself all caught up in the powerhead. I am also concerned with this carpet because he has two anenome crabs that live on him. If the carpet does die...and I don't want that..what will happen to these two little guys with no...
  20. fish_kisses

    Help me my carpet anemone is gonna bite the dust!!

    I had a major nitrate spike when one of my condi's croaked and i couldn't find it. However i have the levels all normal again and my carpet anemone looks like crap. It doesn't even puff up most of the time, and it's not really sticky anymore. Clueless about what to try next??? Any info would be...