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  1. blindmelon

    corals from saltwaterfish

    All water parameters are top notch, the acclimation process went smoothly, and BOOM. Two weeks later....what happens? The shipment of over 120$ is now down the drain and gone....
  2. blindmelon

    ETSS EVO w/o a sump??

    I want to get and an EVO 500 for my tank but I dont have a these skimmers require sumps??
  3. blindmelon

    Metal Halides over 46 bowfronts??

    The guy who I always converse with about corals at the local lfs store told me I couldn't put metal halides over my tank?? I told him Ive seen a couple of lighting fixtures that would fit my tank and that I was thinking about ordering one. He told me I shouldn't, due to the plastic...
  4. blindmelon

    wattage on PCs vs. metal halide?!?!

    Alright I did the math on my tank and I figures that if I were to upgrade to metal halide fixtures that I have researched, they would be ending up with less wattages than what I already have. Not much would be lost....only 10 or 15 watts but should I stick with what I have now or upgrade to...
  5. blindmelon

    I want to add some fish!!!!

    my 46 gallon has a maroon clown and a coral beauty and a cleaner shrimp as far as the fish are concerned.... I want to get a velvet wrasse and a mandarin dragonet in there would that be all good??? Just double checking before I commit.....gotta keep it safe YA KNOW WHAT IM SAYIN?!?! lol
  6. blindmelon

    Clams under PC's

    Im really interesed in getting a clam for my tank. All water parameters are top notch and everything looks great. Will maximas be okay under 4 power compacts??
  7. blindmelon

    How much more?!?!

    Ive got a 46 gallon bowfront andd: 4 PC's Excalibur Protein Skimmer A big rio powerhead (forgot the model #) And a 400 penguin power filter The fish & other residents include: 1 maroon clown 1 coral beauty 2 feather dusters 1 long tentacled anemone 1 big cluster of striped mushrooms 3 random...
  8. blindmelon

    ID on this coral??

    This guy that I buy my corals and fish from all the time tells me its a toadstool at the store...its a soft coral and Ive got everything to provide for it so I bought it, but I was just wondering what kind of coral it is??