Search results

  1. mscoral21

    Chocolate Chip Starfish!

    LOL...I'll try that..Let ya know what happens
  2. mscoral21

    Chocolate Chip Starfish!

    Mine spends alot of time at the top too with his arms out and does go crazy when smells flake food...Will he eat the flake food? What about raw shrimp? Do you think he will eat that? How do i feed him?
  3. mscoral21

    Chocolate Chip Starfish!

    Hey guys..Havent been on here in a while, I just bought a CC starfish the other day, Not real sure what to feed him. and How do I feed him? Not sure if he has eaten anything or not...Thanks for the help! :notsure:
  4. mscoral21

    Something on my live rock...

    Thank you very much...Im going to buy a peperment shrimp. Maybe some Joes juice.
  5. mscoral21

    Why are they dieing?

    Thank you guys very much! You helped out soo much! My hermit crab molted, I have 2 Now!! YAY! :jumping:
  6. mscoral21

    Why are they dieing?

    Okay guys...this is probably a really stupid question but since i have no clue Im gonna ask. Do hermit crabs molt? Like i said yesterday..I bought a new one. When I thought my other hermit crab died..I found him outside his shell and his shell looked empty, I left his shell in there anyway...
  7. mscoral21

    Something on my live rock...

    Yup..thats exacally what it looks like!....But the funny thing is..I cant find it now. It seems to have dissapeared or something. I dunno. Will it reapear? I should by Joes Juice right? To get rid of it?
  8. mscoral21

    Something on my live rock...

  9. mscoral21

    Something on my live rock...

    I think i found out what it is..Im not sure but it almost looks identical to a canycane annemone, except its missing the white. Could that be it? Even if it dosent have to white?
  10. mscoral21

    Something on my live rock...

    I think its kinda pretty...should i get rid of it if i have a FOWLR tank?
  11. mscoral21

    Something on my live rock...

    What will happen?
  12. mscoral21

    Something on my live rock...

    Okay did a search for looks like one of those almost but its a maroon color..and the tenticles are a little thicker than the pics i saw....Is this a good thing or not?
  13. mscoral21

    Something on my live rock...

    Im not sure...I have a im not used to anything else. Im cluless when it comes to annenomes or anything like that.
  14. mscoral21

    Something on my live rock...

    I just bought a couple peices of LR..When i put it in there I saw something on it..Im sure its not bad but just curious to know what I have got in my tank. Its almst like a feather duster but its maroon in color, small, almost looks like a sunflower in shape...but where petals would be its like...
  15. mscoral21

    Why are they dieing?

    I had 2 snails and 1 hermit at the same no fighting...but i do have extra shells in there anyway. I just bought some stuff called PhosEx. They are bags you put behind the filter...I just bought one more hermit today too...I'll see if that helps...So far the only thing the PhosEx has...
  16. mscoral21

    Why are they dieing?

    Nope no Iodine...Will that hurt my shrimp or fish if i increase the salinity? Just curious?
  17. mscoral21

    Why are they dieing?

    Im pretty sure they were..they act fine for about 4 days and then they stay in one spot and a day or two later they are laying outside of thier shell.
  18. mscoral21

    Why are they dieing?

    No clicking noises...salinity is 1.023 nitrates,nitrites,amm. is all is 8.2 temp is 78. Yes i drip them for an hour and a half. I just dont get it?
  19. mscoral21

    Why are they dieing?

    I hav a question? I dont understand why I cant keep snails..hermitcrabs etc alive? My fish are fine...I have had them for a long cleaner shrimp is fine had him for a while too, But if I get snails or crabs...They die in a week!...I dont understand.
  20. mscoral21

    Horseshoe Crabs...

    Just got back from the Aquarium Hes settling in his new home. I think hes very happy!