Why are they dieing?


Active Member

Originally posted by mbrands
I hope I'm not stating the obvious here, but could they be killing each other while fighting over shells? I put some empty shells in my tank to try to prevent that from happening.
Also, in response to lion_crazz's comment about the drip acclimation time, I'd been told by several LFS that they only need to drip for a short time . . . 30 minutes to an hour. That is all I've done with mine and luckily haven't lost one yet. Should they really be dripped up to 2 hours?

And I'm sure if you asked if you can put a Shark in a 10 gallon, he'd prolly say YES!


Active Member

Originally posted by sw65galma
That's lucky..this is not general practice nor recommend by anyone..

i know, but i didnt know that at the time. i was just saying that dripping them for 3+ hours isnt necessary


Active Member

Originally posted by JacknJill
i know, but i didnt know that at the time. i was just saying that dripping them for 3+ hours isnt necessary

I don't think anyone said 3+hrs. I think we said 2hrs.
And though it may not be "necessary" it's impossible to ask the shrimp how long it needs. Some need different amounts of time.


I had 2 snails and 1 hermit at the same time..so no fighting...but i do have extra shells in there anyway. I just bought some stuff called PhosEx. They are bags you put behind the filter...I just bought one more hermit today too...I'll see if that helps...So far the only thing the PhosEx has helped is my algae growth..cut it down alot..Bought a new light bulb too just incase its lighting..Which I highly doubt.. Bought a couple more peices of Live rock. Thought maybe that was it, Hopefully I can keep this hermit alive. I dripped him for the usual hour and a half, havent increased the salinity any only because Im afraid its gonna hurt the other stuff in the tank. Im no expert but I was told to keep it at 1.023. I may be wrong but who knows. Got something on one peice of my live rock but i'll ask questions about that in another thread. Any opinions on why I cant keep them alive are welcome and thanks to you guys that have given your opinions!
Oh, Please post if anyone has used PhosEx and If that was a good thing to buy.. By the way about meds...I dont treat anything im my main display...use meds in the QT.


Active Member
oh sorry correction to myself 2+ hours. also, im not trying to start an arguement with you sw65, i was just saying what i did one time and it worked. im not recommending any one try that, im just saying that that is what happened when i did it



Originally posted by sw65galma
And I'm sure if you asked if you can put a Shark in a 10 gallon, he'd prolly say YES!

I lost you on this response . . . what are you talking about?


Okay guys...this is probably a really stupid question but since i have no clue Im gonna ask. Do hermit crabs molt? Like i said yesterday..I bought a new one. When I thought my other hermit crab died..I found him outside his shell and his shell looked empty, I left his shell in there anyway because i knew I was gonna buy more. Well this morning I was looking in my tank! I have 2 hemit crabs in there now! both walking around perfectly fine. I dont know what to think. I hope hermitcrabs molt cause if not he came back to life or something....
Crazy Crabs!


Active Member

Originally posted by mbrands
I lost you on this response . . . what are you talking about?

Basically don't ask the LFS anything or go by what they say..
Most have No warranty for marine fish and if you kill them it's just more money for them. I don't think any of them do this on purpose, but they definatly don't give you the "safest" way of doing things. Other examples are if you ask them if you can put a Tang in your 10 gal...Most will say YES...which you can technically....they just leave out the fact that it will most likely die a few months.
90% of people don't realize that SW fish can live up 70 years!
they are used to freshwater and most stores capitalize on this, so when thier fish dies in a year, they are like "owell"


Active Member

Originally posted by sw65galma
Basically don't ask the LFS anything or go by what they say..

That's not fair. Not all lfs are like that. I will say that most are like that, but not every single one. You should take anyone's advice with a bit of caution, but I would not flat out stop listening to the lfs unless you have reason to do so.


Active Member
yeah i agree with lion_crazz. i found a really good lfs pretty close to me. they have a lot of choices for good prices. everything is healthy and nice looking. every one who works there is very knowledgable and nice. they do NOT work on commision. and the stuff they tell me matches up with what i hear on this board. they also have a huge 600+ gallon display tank maintained by the staff. it is beautiful. so while there are many bad stores who just want your money, i have been fortunate enough to find a VERY good one. just my .02


Active Member
My lfs is very nice to he will tell me what can go with who and no that will eat or pick on that. He also has display tanks set up and he tells you waht size of tank you will need and what kinda lights you will need for certain corals. I just go in there and talk with him for advice "when he isnt busy". He has a 48 hour gaurantee on all his fish. Not as big as some online stores but it is very good for a local store.


Active Member

Originally posted by lion_crazz
That's not fair. Not all lfs are like that. I will say that most are like that, but not every single one. You should take anyone's advice with a bit of caution, but I would not flat out stop listening to the lfs unless you have reason to do so.

Ok let me rephrase that.
Don't Listen to ANY LFS until you have verified what they have said elsewhere and it matches up.
I knew someone was gonna get me on saying "ANY"


especially ur LPS...i asked the guy if i had to have an air pump to run my power head cause it looked like an air hose on the box...he told me yes which as u all probably know is the wrong answer so i returned that and the air hose i had bought and i had enough money to buy a salinity tester but anyway when i asked him if they had any he brought me back a combination pH/ammonia/nitrate/nitrogen tester