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  1. ghost

    Missing fish

    Well I am missing a fish. I got home from the Christmas Party last night and 1 fish is missing. I guess that second tank is going to have to come sooner than later.Hopefully when I come home form work I won't find anyone else missing. Bad Grouper Bad
  2. ghost

    Missing fish

    Starting a thread denouncing the PATS will end the bet. This BOSTON BREED BAD BOY will beat you with a mother board.(I see your in IT) Just joking what if we do a gift certificate from here. You can set the amount. Starting a new thread is not a bad idea. Set it up PITT against te PATS will do.
  3. ghost

    Missing fish

    ok lets hear it since you seem to have something in mind
  4. ghost

    Missing fish

    I smell a bet
  5. ghost

    Missing fish

    I smell a bet
  6. ghost

    Missing fish

    I am from NH and I huge Pats fan. I dont think anyone is going to beat the Patriots. 750.00 on lights Wow that seems to be alot why so much.
  7. ghost

    Missing fish

    I know what you mean. I really like mine as well Awesome fish. I will take a picture of mine. She is a very healthy fish. I feel the same way as you do about feasting on other fish in the tank. She was one of my first fish and hate to get rid of her. So I will be getting another fish tank to...
  8. ghost

    Missing fish

    How big is your Panther ? My panther is 4 inches maybe a little bigger.
  9. ghost

    Missing fish

    I have a panther grouper. He is starting to grow how big is yours. He seems to like the formula two food. What are you feeding yours? Awesome looking fish but you have me starting to think as well. I have a fire gobie and a yellow tail in there. Should I start to worry. LOL
  10. ghost


    Well the reason why I am keeping it around that temperature. It is getting colder here in the northeast (NH). So I bumped it up 2 degrees. Just in case the temperature drops when I am at work.
  11. ghost


    Hello everyone I have a question. What is ideal temperature for a saltwater fish tank. I have mine at 80-82. I was told that it maybe to warm. Is this true. Thank you
  12. ghost

    Chocolate Tang

    Hi , I just bought one this pass weekend. He is doing great eating well. Seems to be a great addition to my tank. I will keep you up to date on him if you like.