Missing fish


In the past 2 weeks, I have had a 3 fish disappear........
they are
1 firefish
1 Purple Pseudochromis
1 long nose hawkfish
I am thinking that the panther grouper had them for a midnight snack. Since they are all disappearing in the night. The tank has been set up for about 8 mos and I have never seen or heard a mantis shrimp. Can they just appear suddenly? If so, how would I catch him??????
Please help
thanks in advance
I do feed the grouper and others every night, but feed the grouper krill chopped up.


Do you have a top on your tank? If not then its possible the firefish and pseudo may have jumped out. However if the panther could fit them into its mouth chances are the panther had a nice little dinner. Groupers mouths dont look very big until you actually watch one swallow a fish and then you see how large they can expand.


New Member
I have a panther grouper. He is starting to grow how big is yours. He seems to like the formula two food. What are you feeding yours? Awesome looking fish but you have me starting to think as well. I have a fire gobie and a yellow tail in there. Should I start to worry. LOL


there is a top to the tank and the hawfish was pretty big about his body including his nose was about 2 -3 inches long and about 1/2 wide. So I think tonight we will move Mr. Panther to the smaller 25 gallon tank and see how he fairs in there with a very aggressive pumpkin clown fish that is a biggie and a bully.
At the time 2 of the fish disappearred there was a glass top and now there is egg crate. And I don't think the hawfish would jump thru this. He would probably get stuck in the holes.


the panther is about 4 inches and I feed him chopped krill, brine shrimp and marine cusine mixed up I stir it all up and dump it in the tank and he really eats like a pig. He is absolutely a beauty, but not if he is going to feast on the others. Then he will be moved to the smaller tank and live there, I hate to do it, but it beats having the fish disappear.


New Member
I know what you mean. I really like mine as well Awesome fish. I will take a picture of mine. She is a very healthy fish. I feel the same way as you do about feasting on other fish in the tank. She was one of my first fish and hate to get rid of her. So I will be getting another fish tank to keep her. Hoping to get a larger tank making that one a aggressive tank and keeping the other non aggressive. What should I put with her tho?
On a differnt note how about Julius Jones last night. I picked him up for my fantasy football. He came threw for me big time.


sorry for sure not a cowboy's fan, more like Vikings since originally from MN. Hubby is a cowboys fan and he spent half the game in the family room yelling about the refs.
Anyway, I have seen the panthers grouped with triggers, lion fish, and other aggressive types. Of course that is at the local fish store.
We plan on getting an aggressive tank as well. But later when the money is flowing more than right now. We just spent $750 on lights for the 80 gallon so that is a bite in the shorts. It's an expensive hobby, but worth it.


New Member
I am from NH and I huge Pats fan. I dont think anyone is going to beat the Patriots.
750.00 on lights Wow that seems to be alot why so much.


metal halide lights with 2 flourscent strips, dual fans, max lighting got shopped around for months before finding this place that makes them,



Originally posted by Ghost
I am from NH and I huge Pats fan. I dont think anyone is going to beat the Patriots.
750.00 on lights Wow that seems to be alot why so much.

The Steelers DID !!!
Sorry i am a Huge Pittsburgh fan! sorry to hijack - now back to your regularly scheduled programming .......


is betting permitted on this board? If so maybe we can do a low dollar amount gift certificate or purchase -- if i had a reef tank I would say frags ..
Starting a thread denouncing the PATs?
One for the thumbs Steelers !


New Member
Starting a thread denouncing the PATS will end the bet.
This BOSTON BREED BAD BOY will beat you with a mother board.(I see your in IT) Just joking what if we do a gift certificate from here. You can set the amount. Starting a new thread is not a bad idea. Set it up PITT against te PATS will do.


New Member
Well I am missing a fish. I got home from the Christmas Party last night and 1 fish is missing. I guess that second tank is going to have to come sooner than later.Hopefully when I come home form work I won't find anyone else missing. Bad Grouper Bad