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  1. ole o

    I can really use some help!

    I have a problem with what I think is called Bryopsis. It is a green-blue feather like algae that is taking over my 65. My level for ca and alk are in the good range. I also tested my magnesium and it is at the lower range at 1260. I added a rabbit fish and he doesn't want to touch it. Does...
  2. ole o

    green blu algae problem

    I need help with my Bryopsis. My magnesium level is 1260 and I've added emerald crabs but my blue green algae is growing out of control. any advice?
  3. ole o

    Green Algae Bryopsis?

    Anybody out there know about Bryopsis? I believe I have it and it is growing out of control.. I have tried manual as well as buying a magnesium test kit. My levels are good with a Mag test of 1260.
  4. ole o


    Thank you for the time. My tank is 2 years old and I have a protein skimmer that is on the back top of my tank. Thinking about that I now notice that coraline has grown into the intake strainer for lack of a better word. I dont know if I am getting as much water into the skimmer. My...
  5. ole o


    Thank you for the time. My tank is 2 years old and I have a protein skimmer that is on the back top of my tank. Thinking about that I now notice that coraline has grown into the intake strainer for lack of a better word. I dont know if I am getting as much water into the skimmer. My...
  6. ole o


    I have a 65 gallon reef and I think I have Bryopsis growing on my rocks. Does anyone know how to remove it as well as prevent it from coming back. Thank you
  7. ole o

    Green algae

    Found some green/blue christmas tree looking algae and I dont know what to do about it. I'v got 2 emerald crabs but they havnt liked it????
  8. ole o

    Too many shrooms

    How do I get rid of brown mushrooms and Zenia that are taking over my rock in my tank?
  9. ole o

    clown v. clown

    Can I add a pair of maroon clowns to a 65 tank that has an established tomato clown?
  10. ole o

    Romaine Lettuce

    Is it OK to feed Lettuce to my fish?
  11. ole o

    Romaine Lettuce

    Is it OK to feed Lettuce to my fish?
  12. ole o

    ammonia spike

    Please help! I added 15 lbs of Fiji rock to my existing 3 month old 65 gallon tank. I had about 40 -50 lbs already. The water clouded up and my fish started to die. I checked the ammonia and it is out of control. How do I lower my ammonia?? Thanks for any help.
  13. ole o

    How do I re-cycle a poorly set up 5 week old tank?

    Do you mean I need to throw away all of my LS and LR and start completly over?
  14. ole o

    How do I re-cycle a poorly set up 5 week old tank?

    I think that my tank crashed. How do I go about cycling a 5 week old tank that has already had and killed fish. I may also have ich. All my fish are gone but I still have starfish, snails and crabs. How do I start fixing my huge mistake?
  15. ole o

    Fish don't like my tank

    I am currently neting all of the remaining fish, lion,eel and wrasse. Do I need to remove the inverts? What is my next step with the possible ich and how do I know when the tank is fully cycled. Where do I get info on a qt tank?
  16. ole o

    Fish don't like my tank

    By the way, thanks for the advice. Nitrite is .05- 0. Nitrate is measuring low on my test card. I have 70 lbs. LR, Two inches of LS. My filtrating is a carbon Penguin. I've been testing every day for the past 2 weeks. I figured that my fish initially died when it spiked 3 weeks ago????
  17. ole o

    Fish don't like my tank

    You say take back all of the fish? What about the snails, crabs,starfish, and eel?
  18. ole o

    Fish don't like my tank

    No I did not see them spike and fall. Amonia is 0, nitrate is non-existant, nitrate is low, Ph is 8.2- 8.3 . Salinaty is1.022. Temp is 78. Forgot to mention I also bought through the Lfs a cleaner wrasse today.
  19. ole o

    Fish don't like my tank

    I bought a new 65g tank 5 weeks ago and put a yellow tank, blue tang, 2 clown, 4 snails, starfish, and an arrow crab in immediately because I was throwing a big party that weekend. Now I know how stupid I was. All fish died and then I started doing research and found this great site. Two...