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  1. fish n ont

    Mimic tang discoloration....

    I had one - extremely cool fish! doesn't sound like there is anything to worry about.
  2. fish n ont

    Need Help

    this happened to my bubble, what a mess!!! It actually posoined my tank. Killed all my fish...clowns lasted a day or so but died as well..
  3. fish n ont


    just purchased and began using today. any success stories?
  4. fish n ont


    I mixed garlic in with the shrimp yesterday, to tell you the truth last night I only noticed a couple specs on his fin. It is inevitable that this will spread? I will treat the fiah adequetly once i am positive there is no alternative...I really have a lot of rock and coral I would have to...
  5. fish n ont


    Beth, I really appreciate all your time...thanks so much. Do you know of any examples of reef safe treatments. The picture of the Naso in your post is almost Identical, it seems to be in the early stages..Im going to begin to mix garlic in the food tonight, I've been feeding the tang a small...
  6. fish n ont


    chocolate chip, stupid lfs told me it was!
  7. fish n ont


    This is becoming increasingly trying, I come home today to see that my tang has white spots on his the picture ich for sure! ok, what the hell, does everyone go through this?? I know I have to treat him and I read all of Beth's posts, unfortunately it will be almost impossible to get...
  8. fish n ont


    I called my LFS and was told they had never heard of this disease...obviously it exists as I have been reading a bit about it. Is there a way to prevent this from spreading throughout my tank...something I can add perhaps. I have about 80lbs of live rock, naso tang, cleaner shrimp, horseshoe...
  9. fish n ont

    Clown Fish in trouble

    Is this contageous to other fish in the tank?
  10. fish n ont

    Clown Fish in trouble

    Not sure what it is, basically hasn't eaten since I got him from the lfs 6 days agao, been swimming kinda funny over using his tail it looks like. This morning I noticed he had some white almost looked like skin on his fin and side...kind of peeling off...any ideas...what should I do?
  11. fish n ont

    Tap Water?

    DI=Distilled?? RO=??
  12. fish n ont

    tap water?

    What should I be using? Currently just treating tap water with Prime and Stress Zyme.
  13. fish n ont


    Not safe, I woke up one morning to see mine completely devoir my tree coral.
  14. fish n ont


    I think you may be on to something, the lfs says that I should simply let the bag float for 1/2 hour and all will be fine. Like I mentioned previously the problem with the fish seemed to be immediate, no eating...right away swimming 45degree facing up. Second clown still alive, swimming on...
  15. fish n ont


    Yes, tank cycled completely, Tang is doing great so is all inverts, I think the fact that the clowns didn't eat right from the start tells me there was a problem right from the lfs. One clown is still alive, looks to be suffering a bit, hanging out on the top. All levels still perfect.
  16. fish n ont


    you are probably right, we'll have to see how the tang does, Ammonia 0, Nitrate 0, Nitrite 0 Ph 8.4 Silinity 1.022. Something is definitely wrong though, I just got back from dinner and my cleaner wrasse is going crazy, I mean swimming upside down into the rocks...what the -!#$?? I really don't...
  17. fish n ont


    one clown now just about explanation...all levels fine.
  18. fish n ont


    Just upgraded from a 55gal to a 92 about 3 weeks ago, the change went without a hitch..the 55 had no fish, just coral. I added 2 clowns and a small seabay anenome 3 days ago. Since the addition the clowns have not eaten and seem to hang out towards the back of the tank about mid-level facing...