
fish n ont

New Member
Just upgraded from a 55gal to a 92 about 3 weeks ago, the change went without a hitch..the 55 had no fish, just coral. I added 2 clowns and a small seabay anenome 3 days ago. Since the addition the clowns have not eaten and seem to hang out towards the back of the tank about mid-level facing upwards. I have read that this is not good. All levels are good. Last night I added a small Naso, eating this morning but loves to hang out in the same spot. I noticed there is a reflection (of the fish) visable to me possibly by them? Is this potentially the reason or is there more to it?


Active Member
Sorry for your loss
Please humor us and post your levels anyway PH, Ammonia, TrItes and TrAtes Temp, know the drill :) ...adding the Naso may have been a mistake..when a fish looks unhealty in a new tank especially a clown(one of the hardiest fish), the last thing you want to do is add another fish that is sensitive and prone to disease such as a tang.

fish n ont

New Member
you are probably right, we'll have to see how the tang does, Ammonia 0, Nitrate 0, Nitrite 0 Ph 8.4 Silinity 1.022. Something is definitely wrong though, I just got back from dinner and my cleaner wrasse is going crazy, I mean swimming upside down into the rocks...what the -!#$??
I really don't know what to do...everything seems fine? Please help!

fish n ont

New Member
Yes, tank cycled completely, Tang is doing great so is all inverts, I think the fact that the clowns didn't eat right from the start tells me there was a problem right from the lfs. One clown is still alive, looks to be suffering a bit, hanging out on the top. All levels still perfect.


what sort of acclimation procedure did you use. If you didnt acclimate long enough this could also be the problem.