Search results

  1. plyah8a

    Recycle Live Rock

    I have a heavy breakout of bubble algae. Will recycling my live rock help. I have a lettuce nudribranch who havent even touched the stuff. Am i going to have to scrub it all of outside the tank? Just to be curious, how do you recyle the live rock? I know I dont want to dry it out.
  2. plyah8a

    Shrunk and Green Anemones

    I have some anenomes (that are usually hyper active) in my live rock. For the the past 2 weeks they have been introverted. I have scouring the board to look for reasons why. Is Oceanic salt detrimental to ane's? I switched to it about a month ago. I also added a phosphate blocker that goes in...
  3. plyah8a

    Infestation problem

    I recently purchased the 16 pepermint shrimp. Havent seen one in 3 days. With Joes juice, I have over 300 aips. Do I just wave the injector over the rocks? Wll it affect my 3 good anenomes. Is this safe? I read on one of the other post to turn the power heads off.
  4. plyah8a

    Infestation problem

    Can a brackish fish be converted over to a saltwater tank?
  5. plyah8a

    Infestation problem

    I know this issue has been beaten into the board but looking at the picures below, you can see my dilema. Aiptasia has taken over my tank. Simply injecting with Kalkwasser, lemon juice will not solve the problem. I have over 300 aiptasia attathed to my LR. My trites, trates and ammonia is all at...
  6. plyah8a

    Where to buy a custom sump

    I need a sump for my protein skimmer. Where is a good place to purchase one. (craftsmanship, availibility, price, functionality) I am not ambitious enought to build it myself. The skimmer I have is the Kent Marine Nautilus te In-Sump turboeducator for a 75 gallon tank. I was thinking of buyin a...
  7. plyah8a

    Refractometer help

    I ordered one in the mail. How does it work? It came with no directions only a small screwdriver and a case. I Do I submerge it and look thru the eyepeice. How do I know if it needs calibration?
  8. plyah8a

    Calcium checking Math Problem

    How is everyone checking calcium levels? On my red sea test kit, they want yo to add the drops, then compare the colors of the results then add more calcium drop, then multiply how many drops it takes to turn the color orange. Dont realyy know why the multiplication. Just a big Headache, any...
  9. plyah8a

    Powerhead help

    My only filtration is my Hob Magnum pro 350 and the 100 lbs of live rock (natural filtration). I also have a prizm protein skimmer (which sucks because it sprung a leak) Lighting is 4x65 10000k w/ lunar system all set to timers. Should all the heads be in the same direction?
  10. plyah8a

    Powerhead help

    I have a 75 gallon tank 2 clowfish and some damsels. I am picking up an anemone today. I was told they need good water movement. What powerhead do you suggest? How many gallons per hour? Also should I run current towards the water flow of my MAgnum 350 or towards the filters water picker upper...
  11. plyah8a

    Turbo Stronuium

    Anybody had any luck with the Turbo Stronium sold on SWF opposed to regular Stronium?
  12. plyah8a

    Clownfish Drama!

    I am feeding them brine shrimp. (I was using this to get the clownfish to start eating, I know it is not very nutritious) He does the eat and spit out method. It is getting progressively worse, but I might be just over reacting. No blood is displayed, just white. If it is a battlewound,h ow...
  13. plyah8a

    Clownfish Drama!

    Pic 9 the goo has left. Just the bump remains
  14. plyah8a

    Clownfish Drama!

    pic 8
  15. plyah8a

    Clownfish Drama!

    pic 7
  16. plyah8a

    Clownfish Drama!

    pic 6
  17. plyah8a

    Clownfish Drama!

  18. plyah8a

    Clownfish Drama!

    pic 4
  19. plyah8a

    Clownfish Drama!

  20. plyah8a

    Clownfish Drama!
