Clownfish Drama!


I got 2 beefy clownfish from a great lfs in Va Beach. When I brought them home 3 weeks ago, they did not get along at first. One day I noticed a small white patch above to mouth of one of the clowns. I figured it was a battle scar. The fish are cool with each other now, but the bump has not gone away. I noticed yesterday a string of opaque goo following the bump nosed clown. He swims normal execpt at night when he hangs out under the biowheel (playing dead). I attached some pics of my dilema. Any help is appreciated. Levels are great and I plan on getting an ananome on the 13th.


Staff member
How is he eating? What are you feeding him. Not much you can do in the display tank. Is it getting worse? Is it red or bloody?


I am feeding them brine shrimp. (I was using this to get the clownfish to start eating, I know it is not very nutritious) He does the eat and spit out method. It is getting progressively worse, but I might be just over reacting. No blood is displayed, just white. If it is a battlewound,h ow long do they take to heal? Does this sounf like a disease?


Staff member
He's acting pretty normal otherwise? You might want to try real fresh seafood. There is a receipe in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.