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  1. bbvabeach

    How to hook up RODI?

    No, actually bought it from an online supplier (Marine Depot)
  2. bbvabeach

    How to hook up RODI?

    Hi, I just bought a RODI 35 gpd (Captive Purity) unit. There were no instructions in the box and can't seem to find any online. I see where the water line connects to the white hose but there are 2 lines (blue and black) that I'm assuming is the output.........What's the difference between the...
  3. bbvabeach

    Cleaning Sump Tips

    Any tips for cleaning a sump? I have a 50 gallon tank with a sump located underneath with skimmer, filter, heater, bio balls ............My water tests have been good and I do weekly 10% water changes. I have noticed deposits/scum in the sump. With the sump being only inches off the floor are...
  4. bbvabeach

    Adding water to tank

    Hi, What type of water should be used to "top off" a tank between normal water changes. I have been using fresh water for this (about .5 to 1 gallons).......I do not have any inhabitants yet except LR. If this is the correct way, do you keep both a source for pre-heated fresh water and also a...
  5. bbvabeach

    return pipe end fitting

    Thanks everyone for the help! I did a search of the forum on "spraybar" and a whole new universe has opened before my eyes! Thanks!
  6. bbvabeach

    return pipe end fitting

    Unfortunately, the existing end piece goes from 3/4" round to way I can think of modifying it with any off the shelf pvc fittings........
  7. bbvabeach

    return pipe end fitting

    Hi, Just finishing up setting up a 50 gallon tank with sump. I can't seem to find a fitting for the return 3/4" pipe. The only piece I found at the LFS is U shaped and works fine but the water is blasting the bottom of the tank. Is there anything out there to purchase online? I also discovered...
  8. bbvabeach

    Trying to get sump working! Help!

    Thanks...... I tried another method (recommended by my brother)......take a small air tube and run it up into the "J" tube and suck out the air. It did work but that sure was very nasty salty water to drink at 7:00 AM! I will use your method in the future! Thanks again!
  9. bbvabeach

    Newbie ???: How to start siphon?

    I have an overflow box (j tube type) from (their web site isn't functioning).....How do I start the siphon? I have filled both the box in the tank and the box in the do I remove the air from the tube and start the siphon? It's got to be easy but I sure...
  10. bbvabeach

    Trying to get sump working! Help!

    Hi, I am trying to get my sump working. I have a 50 gallon tank with an Aquatic Life Sytems over-flow box feeding to an Oceanic Reef Ready sump with a return pump back to the aquarium. The over-flow box has a sticker with the company's web site My do I start the syphon...
  11. bbvabeach

    Flourescent light troubleshooting

    Thanks for the hints...... I removed the bulb, plugged it back in......nothing. Removed, rotated bulb, plugged it in.....and now it works! Thanks!
  12. bbvabeach

    Troubleshooting Flourescent Light

    Hi, My light seems to be acting up. The 10,000K light will flicker for a brief second when you hit the switch and then stay dark. I have only had the unit for about a week and the lights have only been on a couple of times (and then for only a few minutes at a time.........I'm curing live rock...
  13. bbvabeach

    Flourescent light troubleshooting

    Hi, My light seems to be acting up. The 10,000K light will flicker for a brief second when you hit the switch and then stay dark. I have only had the unit for about a week and the lights have only been on a couple of times (and then for only a few minutes at a time.........I'm curing live rock...
  14. bbvabeach

    Live sand (40 lbs = ? volume)

    I was looking at purchasing live sand for my 50 gallon tank (36" long). I cannot seem to find any info on the volume of a pound of live sand (I was looking at premium Florida live sand sold on this site). Any rough guesses would be appreciated...... Thanks!
  15. bbvabeach

    Volume of Live Rock in 50G tank

    What is the maximum amount of LR you would want to place in a 50g tank (36" length)? I was planning on using Fiji LR and buying 75lbs..........At what amount would it be too much (no room for fish to swim!)? Thanks!