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  1. kdlbem

    75 gal. All-Glass tank and accessories . Oregon

    Sorry scott, no plans. Just kinda went for it, and luckily it turned out nicely. Everyone else, the price is now $325 for the whole setup. Thanks B
  2. kdlbem

    75 gal. All-Glass tank and accessories . Oregon

    How about $375. This is a very nice setup. Bobby
  3. kdlbem

    75 gal. All-Glass tank and accessories . Oregon

    Sorry, I need to sell it as a package Bobby
  4. kdlbem

    75 gal. All-Glass tank and accessories . Oregon

    Yes it is a built in overflow, Zack. PC's are sold. Bobby
  5. kdlbem

    75 gal. All-Glass tank and accessories . Oregon

    75 gal. All-Glass brand tank with built in overflow(black trim) All-Glass black stand Diy canopy(painted to match) 20 gal. wet dry Ebo-Jager 200 watt heater Rio 2500 pump All in very good condition Asking $450 for all. Still have 20-30 lbs. of LR left to sell-$3 per lb. 2x55 watt CSL PC...
  6. kdlbem

    My lighting canopy is almost done - PIC

    I have to admit, the second way looks better to my eyes. But the idea about running it all the way up doesn't sound bad either. Tough call. I think I'd probably cut it down some. There's my 2 cents. But you know the old saying............. Broomers tank- Broomers choice! Let us know what you...
  7. kdlbem

    RDP does not work.....

    I have run my lights non-stop since the little problem two days ago, and there's pods and worms everywhere. I've heard from others it doesn't affect them to run 24 hour light. I was just trying to save electricity. I have 78 watts on a 20 gal refugium. Bobby
  8. kdlbem

    RDP does not work.....

    Hey NM I asked you about refugium lighting awhile back and you told me you run yours 24/7. I shoulda listened to the shark;) I always have had to learn everything the hard way. But it didn't all go, just one piece :) ALL BOW TO THE MIGHTY SHARKS!!! Peace, Bobby
  9. kdlbem

    RDP does not work.....

    Hey everyone, Just a note to let you know, don't even waste your time with running your refugium lights reverse from the main tank. I tried it, and was just about ready to start running it to the main tank(still waiting for the nitrates to completely zero out, they are still about 5 ppm)...
  10. kdlbem

    My lighting canopy is almost done - PIC

    Beth, you beat me to it. Now I'm gonna have to fly him out here to build me one. Nice job Broomer!!!! Makes the one I built for my PC/VHO combo look like my 5 year old built it. If you ever get out this way, and have a few days to spare..............JK! You never fail to impress me, Broomer. Bobby
  11. kdlbem

    overflow for sale. Oregon

    bbronco, I tried to send you an e-mail, but it said you weren't accepting e-mail from the bb. You can e-mail me at with your zip code, and I can figure out the shipping charges. Thanks, Bobby
  12. kdlbem

    overflow for sale. Oregon

    Hi, I still have it. I don't know what it is rated for. It came on a 65 gal. tank I had. I had a Rio 2500 at 3 feet of head hooked up to the tank, and it kept up with that, so I'm guessing at least 650-700gph. Bobby
  13. kdlbem

    All-Glass Built In Overflows

    I have one on my 75gal., and it works great. I like it much better than the u-tube hang on type. HTH, B
  14. kdlbem

    OT: Redoing our bathroom....

    My wife is probably reading this post at work, going "Oh, SH*T, I hope he doesn't see those tiles. LOL. Did you see the switch plate covers with salt fish, or the toilet seat covers, or shower curtains. Forget the new tank, I'm redoing the bathroom.....JK Seriously, cool tiles. B
  15. kdlbem


    Thanks for the kind words. Not bad for a cheapie entertainment center from Wal-Mart(37 bucks). I needed to keep it clean, so the wife wouldn't tell me no, since it's all in the living room. I owe a lot of credit to those who have been kind enough to share pics of the setups they have built...
  16. kdlbem


    here's the main tank & refugium
  17. kdlbem


    Here's a couple of pics of the new refugium setup. All plumbed, but has yet to be fired up(nitrates almost gone-10 ppm).I still have to get a door on the front of the refugium cabinet since it's running on a RDP. LOTS of life already - bristle worms, hundreds of pods, tubeworms,spaghetti worms...
  18. kdlbem

    OT. Aquariast Anonymous

    I'm more like a 1 step kind of guy. Yes I have a problem.......... so what. My sig pretty much sums it up. Bobby