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  1. hilltop452

    Quick help please!!

    I am new to corals. I have a 38-gallon under a 175-watt MH. 2 days ago I put a new 14k bulb in my tank. I also added a toadstool leather. Yesterday he was fine. This morning he is closed up and droping. I noticed some yellow-green spots with brown tips on him. Have I bleached him? How...
  2. hilltop452

    Help Please!!

    A large clown, 2 damsels, cleaner shrimp, live rock, and a toadstool leather are the creatures within.
  3. hilltop452

    How do YOU deal with SALT CREEP???

    I like to let it build up and run down the back of my tank. It forms some interesting sculptures!!
  4. hilltop452

    Help Please!!

    That is my lighting... also the tank is a 38-gallon, 36 x 12 x 24 Thanks for any help!!
  5. hilltop452

    Help Please!!

    I just got a new 175w MH 14k bulb...being kinda new to this, what is the best way to break in the bulb so I don't bleach anything?
  6. hilltop452

    Purple Lobster

    What do you guys think about putting a small purple lobster in a tank? Would I have any trouble with it aggitating other tank mates? ( I have a clown, yellow tang, 2 damsels, cleaner shrimp, and cucumber) Thanks
  7. hilltop452

    Clown, is this normal?

    I have a 2-3 year old Cin. Clown, I just put him in the tank about 3 weeks ago, but everyday I see him whipping his tail in my sandbed. He has moved quite a bit of the sand around. I think he might just be carving out his place in the tank but I don't know for sure. Any ideas?
  8. hilltop452

    12k Sunburst Bulbs

    Has anyone used these? How good are they? What kind of bulb do you guys recommend? I have a 38-gallon tank and a 175w MH light. I only have live rock and a couple of damsels...but will be adding corals soon.
  9. hilltop452

    What fish?

    If my 38-gallon is too small for tangs, what fish will do well in it? I have some live rock.
  10. hilltop452

    Tangs and more tangs

    Could I put a blue hippo tang in a 38-gallon with a sailfin tang? They would be the only 2 fish in the tank right now with a starfish and cleaner shrimp.
  11. hilltop452

    Conversions please

  12. hilltop452

    Conversions please

    I am trying to get a general idea of how many "K" a bulb I could get at Home Depot might have. I have a 175w MH fixture, but since most bulbs only have wattage and lumens on them, I don't know how strong the bulb is. Can someone give me a formula for converting what I have into "K" or give me...
  13. hilltop452

    Light Bulbs

    The bulb is a 90w. The fixture is 175w. I'm trying to get a feel for what the amount of lumens is generally in K or how I can figure that out.
  14. hilltop452

    Light Bulbs

    I have a 38-gallon tank with a MH. My question is about the bulbs. How can a figure out how many "k" a bulb is if I only know that it is a 90w, 120v, with a light out put of 1280 lumens. I think there is some formula for figuring this out. If anyone can help me with this I would appreciate...