How do YOU deal with SALT CREEP???


:mad: :eek: Dont you just HATE all the SALT BUILDUP around your tank!!!!! :mad:
Well i heard there was a product out on the market that you could spray around the edeges of your tank to Prevent the Salt Buildup!!!
Has anyone ever seen this product or heard of such a product?? Im really looking for one!! I think Trey mentioned you could put Vasaline around the edges of your tank to also prevent salt buildup. Has anyone tried vasaline?? Does the Vasaline smell stink up the tank or area??
Can some shine more light on this, especially on the product!!! ;)


I never heard of the product, I've always just used a wet paper towel to wipe it away. One thing I do know is DO NOT knock it into your tank.


In the earlier post about this, I posted the product name and manufacturer, you will probably have to get it online. Check your eariler post for the name.


Well, I am no expert YET!!!LOL :D but, I have never found the salt buildup to be that big of a problem. I clean my tanks weekly but during the week, if I notice it, I just use a wet cloth baby diaper and wipe it away. I am not one for using cleaning products anywhere near my tanks but that is just me. I think, the safest thing is just wipe it away. Why risk it.


Active Member
A little warm water on a sponge or a razor blade will claen off the salt creep from the back top of the glass. Just the wet sponge around the edges and good as new. I am afraid it is part of the hobby.


Staff member
I know of many hobbyist and have read, that the creep, unless it is exposed to dirt or something, should go back into the tank.


Yeah, I usually just push it back into the tank, I figure what the heck and so far hasn't harmed anything. It's also kinda funny, but even when my water evaporates, what little it does, maybe a gallon every three weeks, my salt levels don't change. I account this due to my super snug top and I also have a top on the sump. I have barley any salt creep too, I guess I'm just lucky :)


Hey GOOFIEONES! What is the Product name and manufacuturer???!! Please tell me...
The reason i made another post is because i could not find my earlier post about this issue!!!! :rolleyes: :eek:
so Goofieones, what's the name of the product?? :D :) :p ;)