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  1. johnnyv

    '05 Not Been Good So Far HELP!

    Ahhh I have been paying attention. I checked the fish thouroughly when I caught them Neither had a sign of ICH. One had cloudy eye and fins were getting frayed. The other just cloudy eye. Can I switch to maracyb 2 without a water change? They are in a 10 gallon Hosp. Thanks by the way!
  2. johnnyv

    '05 Not Been Good So Far HELP!

    No Ich at all. I have each fish for about a month. The were no in a QT because I had not visited this site and learned that I neeed one at the time. They are currently in a Hosp tank and i am treating with Maracyn. I am not using Maracyn because the symptoms they had seemed to fit the...
  3. johnnyv

    '05 Not Been Good So Far HELP!

    Beth i would have but it was another fish and totally different problem. I wasn't aware in that case I should
  4. johnnyv

    Your Opinions On A Skimmer

    Ok folks how does the Bak Pak 2 compare to a Euro Reef?
  5. johnnyv

    '05 Not Been Good So Far HELP!

    I just noticed today that my flame angle has some fin deterioration and a cloudy eye. After removing him for the hospital tank I noticed the Koran has the same. There is only a yellow tang and two crabs left in the tank. Is it ok just to treat my display with Maracyn? Let me know please and...
  6. johnnyv

    DJ Rig For Sale or Trade

    Check the link and let me know.. All the stuff is in great condition. I haven't been able to get to storage do to the storm out here.
  7. johnnyv

    Your Opinions On A Skimmer

    Hey Julius, I have a SeaClown now... that is why I was asking. I actually did one of the mod on it and it is now working quite well.... or at least better.
  8. johnnyv

    Your Opinions On A Skimmer

    Well it appears that the hands down winnr is the Euro Reef.... Thank you all for your opinions..... It's cheaper to spend cash in the once and get the right product!
  9. johnnyv

    Your Opinions On A Skimmer

    I am in the market for a larger tank than I currently have. Hoping to go to around 100 gallons, maybe slightlly larger. Will be fish with liverock. I will be using a sump and interested in your opinions on a protien skimmer. In your opinion(s) what is the best skimmer out there and why do you...
  10. johnnyv

    DJ Rig For Sale or Trade

    Hey man... Will take some pics this week... The rig is in storage. I was hoping to get $1200 for the whole setup (Tables alone are going for $500 or so on ----) Let me know if that is in your price range, or if you want to work a trade for some or all.
  11. johnnyv

    Protein Skimmer and air pump for sale!!

    What is the model number?
  12. johnnyv

    DJ Rig For Sale or Trade

    I am selling a complete DJ Rig... Technics 1200 Turntables, Numark Mixer, Dual CD Player, Crest Audio Amp, Dual 15" MTX Cabinets, Stand and Coffin along with many extras including wired and wireless mics with all wiring headphones etc.. Also included are approximatley 500 records.
  13. johnnyv

    Powder Brown Tang REVISITED

    Beth.... Please do.... If someone can prevent the death of a fish it is worth it. By the way I really appreciate the energy and effort you put into this. You really do a great job assisting us with this hobby and your knowledge and experience should not go unrecognized. Anything I can do...
  14. johnnyv

    Red Slime Problem

    I had the same problem.... check out this post.
  15. johnnyv

    Powder Brown Tang REVISITED

    AAARRGGG... Just to add some closure I figured I would post my latest findings. While driving home from work it dawned on me that I not only did not ground the probe in QT tank.... I was testing voltage incorrectly as well. The stress from the tang in the display tank caused the symtoms that...
  16. johnnyv

    Powder Brown Tang REVISITED

    Beth, I appreciate your help.... The only thing I can think is that it was the shipping combined with the Yellow Tang picking on him. I will keep a close eye out for signs of illness in other fish, but at least (mostly because of your advice) I now have an opperational QT tank setup in case of...
  17. johnnyv

    Powder Brown Tang REVISITED

    Yes there is a grounding probe in both tank and I tested for voltage as well just to make sure..... He died during the night, the only thing I can think of is that the Yellow tang sressed him out so much he couldn't cope :-( All reading are at 0 salinty and temp are constant...... no other...
  18. johnnyv

    Powder Brown Tang REVISITED

    Ok this is the second post I made regarding this tang. I think he got roughed up by a yellow tang, but his condition recently took a turn for the worse. He is in a 55 Gal (now in a Hosp) 0's for Nitrate, Nirtrite 8.1 PH 76 degrees Attache is the picture... I guess I am asking for opinions on...
  19. johnnyv

    135 gal setup for sale

    I will contact some people..... What is the approx wieght of the tank and stand?
  20. johnnyv

    135 gal setup for sale

    Hey man... shoot me and email and maybe we can work something out.... I don't mind paying the shipping but I need to get an exact price... I do have a paypal account...