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  1. jpb

    Anenome is Dieing, Clown is Stressed

    Thanks Thomas, I have had the BTA for about three weeks the clown for about two months. I guess the BTA had his way, because he had always gone to the back of the tank at night with the other fish. Then as soon as the 440 VHO would come on he made his way back to the same favorite rock or...
  2. jpb

    Anenome is Dieing, Clown is Stressed

    Andretti thanks for the advise. What is the clown going to host, if I don't replace the one I had? If you read the post it was not anything to do with water chemistry or light. It all boiled down to a very curious BTA. That went to the back of the tank to sleep for the night and got his...
  3. jpb

    Anenome is Dieing, Clown is Stressed

    Thanks, Bigarn The last is gone. I have water ready for a change in the morning. All the other fish seem to be just fine. My other clown is doing just fine it was just my female that was stressed. It has now gone to the back and sleeping with his other friend the cleaner shrimp.
  4. jpb

    Anenome is Dieing, Clown is Stressed

    Can someone tell me what to do? My BTA got wedged in the lower slits of my overflow. My Maroon Clown was assiting it to get it out. When I awoke this morning half of the BTA was on top of the LR's the other half I found in my sump. I put both pieces on a rock up front so I could monitor its...
  5. jpb

    Test Kit

  6. jpb

    Test Kit

    I have tested my Nitrite level with two different test kit: Aquarium Pharmaceuticals is showing my Nitrite level as 0 ppm. Tetra is showing it to be less than 0.3 mg but greater than <0.3 mg. Both kits are reading the same on everything else. The salinity is 1.023, PH is 8.4, Ammonia is 0 and...
  7. jpb

    Red Ball Sponge ?

    anyone else?
  8. jpb

    Red Ball Sponge ?

    Thanks offshore but, it is more of a membrane type of bubble that is attached to the brownish holes. the hole like spots are in different locations on the sponge this morning. I was thinking that this is some kind of mouth they feed with. It has never seen air nor has it been nipped at. The...
  9. jpb

    Red Ball Sponge ?

    anyone ? :help:
  10. jpb

    Red Ball Sponge ?

    My red ball sponge has these black holes that has appeared within the last week. The holes are several inches apart and there are eight of these with like a clear bubble about 1cm coming out of them. Is this normal? They where not there when I bought this guy about 3 weeks ago.
  11. jpb

    Caulerpa Taxifolia

    Thanks FH, it is definately the little mexican growing my display tank! :hilarious
  12. jpb

    Caulerpa Taxifolia

    Ok thanks Bang Guy I will do that.
  13. jpb

    Caulerpa Taxifolia

    Thanks Fishhugger, thats what it looks like to me. It's hard to tell with that pic and the ones I have. But, it sure resembles it. If it's not that I don't know what it is. All I know is it sure matures fast. Three days ago it was about a half inch long. now it is about three inches long...
  14. jpb

    Caulerpa Taxifolia

    Does anyone have a close up pic.So I can tell if it is what I have growing on my LR. From everything I have researched it is the closest thing I can tell. Thanks for any input
  15. jpb

    lights on or off?

    Ok, Thanks MBrands I do appreciate your info. I will be taking it slow. I'm in no hurry, I want to do it right and have a healthy pretty aquarium. :)
  16. jpb

    lights on or off?

    Anyone on the lights issue?
  17. jpb

    lights on or off?

    Thanks, Mike.... To answer your ? Clarkiiclo: no fish, no inverts; just lr with lots of life and ls.
  18. jpb

    lights on or off?

    Everything has been great since 12-25-04 when everything was added. parameters are: Sal 1.023, ph 7.8, cal 480, alk 8, nitrite 5.0, amon off the wall 8.0+, nitrates 80
  19. jpb

    lights on or off?

    Question: I have a 92gal fowlr and ls. It has been cycling since Christmas. I use ro/di water but I can not keep my ph up I have added proper ph 8.2 ph stayed at 8.2-8.3 for a couple of days now it is back down to 7.8. Should I be lighting the tank and if so for how long. I haven't been doing...