Caulerpa Taxifolia


New Member
Does anyone have a close up pic.So I can tell if it is what I have growing on my LR. From everything I have researched it is the closest thing I can tell. Thanks for any input


I think the may be what you are looking for, got it off google


New Member
Thanks Fishhugger, thats what it looks like to me. It's hard to tell with that pic and the ones I have. But, it sure resembles it. If it's not that I don't know what it is. All I know is it sure matures fast. Three days ago it was about a half inch long. now it is about three inches long. Numerous stems coming out of one solid patch with real fine feather like fingers coming off of the stems. Thank you very much for your response though. :notsure:


I am glad I could be of some help, you probally already know this:rolleyes: , but if you go to google and click on images above the search text thinggy, you can type in what you are looking for and get a whole bunch of pictures


New Member
Thanks FH, it is definately the little mexican growing my display tank! :hilarious