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    just got home!!!!

    Spring Break im going to Durango Colorado to snowboard.
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    Monster Hermit!

    I used to have two hermits, they are funny as hell to watch.
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    The case of the disappering fish....

    damn NASCAR, look what it does to people.
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    snowflake eel

    Well you are safe with hermit crabs and snails- he wont eat them, but crabs such as emeralds or sally light foots are a risk. Also you goby might be a risk because he is such small and is a bottom swimmer but if i were you i would still go with it because of the large tank size.
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    The case of the disappering fish....

    Mr. Fishy... I do my research, my sharkcats are actually know as the Columbian CatShark or West American CatShark. "A very peaceful temperment but as the Yes maybe you have done some research on a FRESHWATER species, but have you done any research on a true SALTWATER species like a tang or a...
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    Need Help! Question about my 135

    If you are doing just a fish only tank with live rock i dont believe you need a protein skimmer. You would just need a sump and a UV steralizer- trust me these come of a great importance because they eliminate all organisms that can make ur fish sick as well as it makes the water crystal clear...
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    have you been injured by your livestock?

    I have 3 12 inch oscars and they let me pet them all the time. They look fierce as hell tho, its funny because when i have a friend over i stick one finger in and let her bite me (it doesnt hurt but it looks like it would) and it always amazes them for some reason.
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    The case of the disappering fish....

    if i were u buddy, id get rid of everything in that tank. I did the math and you currently have a total of 90 inches of fish at full growth- your suppose to have 5.8. wow
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    snowflake eel

    Yes he would be happy in a 150, might want to watch out if you have crabs because he will eat them if he gets a chance. also what kind of fish do u have?
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    Lets see your tangs!

    Hey NMreef, do u keep that sohal in a 100 gal for life? oops nvm its not urs.
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    post pics of your eels (no sfe please)

    oh yeah i know what your talking about. nevermind
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    lion with these fish.......

    oh my bad i didnt see the trigger in there.
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    The case of the disappering fish....

    Originally posted by DanJ The 3 tangs are new to the tank.... there are only 3 or 4 live rocks and can be viewed across the back of the tank from the side, there are no trace of any of the missing fish, or of the missing clam. I was told since the fish in the tank are only on the average about...
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    post pics of your eels (no sfe please)

    i didnt know they had eels down in phoenix zoo. When did u go?
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    lion with these fish.......

    he can go with all of those fish. I hope you are not going to add all of those fish in the 75 gal tank....
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    fish list for 120 gal

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    Lets see your tangs!

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    Lets see your tangs!

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    Lets see your tangs!

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    any kids 16 and under??

    Originally posted by YellowTail omg !!! 1200 gallons?lets see pictures oh no its a south american pond :) sry i should of said 1200 gallon "pond" my bad