The case of the disappering fish....


Did u even read anything about any of these fish on the internet? Seriously bcuz any site will say that tangs need at least a 6 ft tank. Not even my LFS will sell to u if u have a 30. U dont even have the fw info right.:mad:
The time to upgrade was when u got everything except the clowns.
Please dont kill these fish.


Also total disbelief.


Funeral services for 1 Yellow Tang will be tonight around 7:30pm in the bathroom. This will be a closed casket ceramony. Please no flowers, donations can be made in the name of the tang


Active Member

Originally posted by DanJ
Funeral services for 1 Yellow Tang will be tonight around 7:30pm in the bathroom. This will be a closed casket ceramony. Please no flowers, donations can be made in the name of the tang



Active Member
why would anyone give you donations? you are just gonna go buy more fish and kill them. if you just listen to us and return all your fish for store credit, you would have all the money you need for live rock, and other things. sorry for the death of a perfectly healthy fish, but if you honestly didnt know that was coming...


Oh puleeze. If u didnt know that was coming u deserve to be slapped. c'mon. Did yur "expert" tell u u could have 4 tangs in a 29 gallon. More like a 180 for all of them.


My Xmas is shot, I can have a great X-mas now that i know a tang has died upset. Dude, please please sell the of ther Tang he isnt gonna last.
::EDIT:: DUDE 3 TANGS SH** MAN GET WOW why why why, i thought there was only 2, there was 3 o man
SAVE THEM, where in NY do you live ??????? :mad: :mad: :mad:


You know just to PYO!! There was no funeral all my tangs are doing fine.... as are my clowns both b&W & orange. Along w/ the rest! Pete (my expert - owner of a LFS that specializes in marine & reef tanks. In business for over 30 years he's were other stores go to for help.) He has taken the tangs, assured me my sharks could not have eated the clowns, but is puting together a new tank & setup for the rest of the fish. so the 13 remainig damsels, clowns & Basslet should be happy in the new 90gal tank. :santa:


Don't be bashing NASCAR!! you *&%#head. what, ran out of things to say about the tank so know to bash other things I enjoy. What a turd .....


What does one have to do with the other..... I stocked my tank with the plan to move to a larger tank once the space was ready and the fish were larger..... I asked for help on something and like a band of banchees you attacked me for an unrelated issue. You know that kind of help I don't need! Yes there is a lot of fish.... maybe more than is acceptable, but holy sh*t they are just inexpensive fish.... and besides you take into account the fact of filtration and water movement,& my maintenance schedule these fish are fine.... for now. all I originally as was how could 4 paculla clowns (very small) and 1 clam about 1 1/2"-2" just dissappear over night? That was all....... but NO!!!! we had to go to town on the F*&
'n new guy!!!! Well thanks for nothing.... If I learned anything from you all is never ask a bunch of know nothings for their help!!!! Such a shame, because the advice you get will not be what you are looking for!!!
I was soo looking forward to being part of this message board! now... not so much....
What you all have done is far worse than I could ever do by over crowding..... There were sooo many better ways to adress this than to just attack me ..... If I were this all knowing genious than I would be here now would I? I asked for help & you acted like judge and jury and shot me like a rabid dog! ................ But this is an excersize in futility .. no matter what I say, I'm still portrayed as the evil fish killer :eek: oh no!!!
Well Mery Christmas to you all, Happy New Year !!! :santa:


To DSkidmore: Thanks for asking.... turns out 2 of the clowns must have gotten themselves cought in a hole in one of the rocks that was inhabited by a very protective crab, the others not sure he found debris in another opening of a rock, but best guess was the shrimp (they are quite large, as big as a small fish) may have had their way with it and the hermits did the cleanup..... but he was quite confident that it wasn't the sharks. They are well fed and very tollerant of the others. but once they are seperated we will try it again with the perullas.


so now u r saying that we all know nothing. U asked a question and we all answered it but then some other people voiced their concerns. Also the shrimp wouldnt eat the fish unless it was a cbs or mantis shrimp or the fish was dead.


Well...I have sat and read this thread a few times and debated whether to chime in...but here goes...
1. I think that the reason you got jumped on so bad is that your tank really seems to be the “posterboy” for an overstocked tank. Then you say it isn’t an issue and people should drop it. That will set people off. The tang police are always very aggressive! I think if you go on any saltwater fish message board out there and say all the fish you have in a 29 and mention all the losses you have already had that people will jump on you pretty hard.
2. It can be very hard to have so much water with not that many fish, but one thing I have learned that the fish are often one of the least interesting things in the tank. I have a fish only with live rock tank and still am amazed by all the other life in the tank and how it is constantly changing. i still love the fish I have, but there is so much more.
3. Nothing good ever happens fast in this hobby. Patience is the key!
4. “Yes there is a lot of fish.... maybe more than is acceptable, but holy sh*t they are just inexpensive fish
..." Is this really a hobby to get into when this is how you actually feel about the incredible creatures you are planning to care for?
I guess I could say more, but I will leave it at that.


Active Member
please for gods sake get it right. its PERCULA
anyways, a shrimp will not kill a fish. also another thing that could have happened to the 4 fish is that you are not supposed to add 4 fish to a tiny 29 tank at once. with a tank that small, you should only add like 1 fish then wait a few weeks to add another. they probably died of shock and the cleanup crew took care of "hiding" their remains. we arent trying to be mean. but it seems that that is the only way to get things to go through your thick skull. also, i dont think you "expert" is actually an expert if he doesnt think those huge sharks could finish off any of those fish.


You know JNJ your self righteousness is driving me up the F*&%'n wall,PERCULA WAS JUST A TYPO .... OR DO WE ALL HAVE TO BE AS F(*&$n PERFUCT AS YOU!!!!!!!!! You just PMO!! AAARRRHHHHHH
and who the hell do you think you are ... I have a thick skull.... you twit, you don't even know me.... you all started the gang bang and went to town with it!!! Damn get over it already.... is this all you have, to just PMO to get your jollies?!?!?!? Any of you treated people this way IRL & you'ld get a punch in the face!!! This is supposed to be a forum to share one's experiences w/ other AMATURES who enjoy the samething, who have in the past made the same mistakes..... to help others to understand what is happening and how to fix it. Instead this is the "Gills Only Club" & if you don't have some 4000 posts & are not the Royal Gamma, well then your just a dead tang being picked at by the crabs & shrimp scurrying about in the darkness. None of you offered me any solutions or insight. You automatically ASSumed that I did no research.... or that I must be some what did you call me JNJ? a "NEWBIE" someone who what ? doesn't know his ass from his elbow?! I've been at this for a few years, only lost 3 fish, 1 to poor acclimation, 2 to illness. I've never lost fish w/o a fight. Now you'll dissect what I've said pick something out and start all over again picking on me, my expert is no professioanl, who just wants my money, you know more than someone who does this for a living.... let me guess to cheap to pay for a plumber, you DIY? its a hobby, that doesn't make you the encyclopeia brittanica, maybe just maybe you could share & help someone (other than your own egos)
Benj, yours is probably the most constructive post here..... and for that THANK YOU.
You all have a Merry Christmas..... :santa:


I'm sorry If i've been offensive, its just that i think of each fish as a pet not just a fish as most of us do and I just want to help your pets but without your cooperation we cant accomplish anything. I know I can be stubborn too but just stop to listen, we've been around the block a couple of times ourselves. In the end it all comes down to you though dan, its your choice we can just advise you (we forget that alot though) its ultimately your choice just make the right one