The case of the disappering fish....



Originally posted by New2u
i think hes gotten the picture now :rolleyes:
What I would to is, trade in all of your tangs anenome damsels orange clown and catsharks (sorry the tanks too small
) to your LFS and with all the $$$ you get buy as much live rock as humanly possible. Now, add the live rock and monitor for a re-cycle. If this happens trade your clowns in too. If nothing happens or after the whole cycle add your clowns back wait a month add another small fish (royal gramma, flame hawk, neon goby or another fish youve heavily rechearced) then wait another month and add another fish. I know it sounds like not too many fish but think how happy the fish would be :D
oh and I would reccomend stocking 5-2 inches per gallon and stock like 2 clowns a pigmy angel and one other 2-3 inch fish

this one ^


At first i really thought this was all a joke. Just because it's all so crazy, until i saw the pictures. :( Makes me sad. Your expert is no expert.
I can't say anything else, you won't listen and it's not worth any more of my time.:nope:


Active Member
In the beginning, i was not trying to be mean, i was trying to give some ideas on what could have happened. and if you read my first few posts again, i was thinking that the clam could be somewhere in the cc, which is what happened. then you started getting all mad and stuff. but i do apologize for saying some less than nice things to you. but you dont have to go on and on bashing me. Thats just as bad as what i said if not worse. and when i mentioned thick skull, i just meant that you arent listening and just getting mad. but again i apologize. also, when i said percula, you spelled it like, parulla and peculla or something.



Originally posted by DanJ
Instead this is the "Gills Only Club" & if you don't have some 4000 posts & are not the Royal Gamma, well then your just a dead tang being picked at by the crabs & shrimp scurrying about in the darkness.

its royal Gramma and we did offer you advice in the geginning and with the question about where your fish went we started to tell you that your tank is WAY overstocked. You wouldnt listen and immediately got mad.


can we get rid of people like this....he just gonna pass on his stupid ideas to everyone else.... "shakes head in disbelief".
DanJ it amazes me that u cannot see past ur own studpidity and see that we people here are giving up our time to help u, this so called friend who owns this fish shop....he needs to make money and if u think he has been 100% honest with u then i feel sorry for u cause he has taken advanage of u.
i think u need to go 2 some other site on the internet and see wat they recommened as the minimmun sized tank 4 a yellow tang. i know u may trust this person but do u really think all these other people are wrong.
OK u made a noobie mistake thats ok, get rid of all ur fish, go to a new LFS and start again.
U said that
the tank is in great health
but at the start of this thread u said
Now this has been happening a lot, at night I loose at least 1 fish, a diamond goby which I just got from 2 blue Hippo tangs, numerous other clownfish, a couple of zebra damsels ... I don't know
well ur tank is definetly 100% healthy isn't it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funeral services for 1 Yellow Tang will be tonight around 7:30pm in the bathroom. This will be a closed casket ceramony. Please no flowers, donations can be made in the name of the tang
well arnt u a real comedian.... u have taken these animals from the wild....what make u think u have the right to house then in an inapproproaite environment....u actually disgust me....can we please ban this moron


but holy sh*t they are just inexpensive fish
that takes the cake...u obviously have no care for the health of these fish...maybe u should get a new hobby, cause ur not goin to take our on our advise and ur killin beautiful fish.


As a "Master Plumber", you would do well to plumb your tank to eek out any extra gallons you can.
I'm saving the picture for my "tanks of shame" series.
Good luck, there, master.
To summons the origional question, perhaps they jumped from the tank. This would not be unusual for such a heavy load. Fish get frightened. Do you have any other pets, such as a dog or cat that may have eaten any jumpers?


Wow, I just had to say that this is the most interesting thread that I have read in a long time. No advice there is no point obviously. Well maybe one piece of advice would be to pick up a protein skimmer since all the fish are just swimming around in their own crap.


what about the piece of advice that says get a 125 as 90 isnt big enough for 3 tangs either.
timO i want to see this tanks of shame series. Sounds like something that should be a sticky in the hew hobbyists section.


Active Member

Originally posted by Aidos
can we get rid of people like this....he just gonna pass on his stupid ideas to everyone else.... "shakes head in disbelief".

There's usually enough people around to correct the mistakes of the nieve. When I first joined, it took me about one day to figure out that a particuar guy was a loudmouth who didn't know what he was talking about. Everyone else on his threads backed each other up and made sense. No point in banning someone for ignorance or stubborness. They will either get sick of butting thier heads against common sense, or become recognized for what they are.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by DanJ
Pete (my expert - owner of a LFS that specializes in marine & reef tanks. In business for over 30 years he's were other stores go to for help.) He has taken the tangs, assured me my sharks could not have eated the clowns

Those sharks aren't even saltwater sharks.


Dan I just want to know the truth if u have not ran away already. At the start of this thread u said that u have lost atleast 1 fish a night and i added it up kinda and i got around 10 fish lost. Then u say "ive only lost 3 fish in ur 2 years" so which is it?? I really dont know how u can not care about killng life that dosent need to be lost. Im sorry for your loss but more so for the fish dying to your ignorance. Just get those other fish into the new tank please asap. Happy Holidays everybody even to u dan. :)


danj i am also new to sw fish and this board, but everyone here has been very nice to me and quite helpfull. you really should research before you add anything to your tank. Also if you think they are "just inexpensive fish" this really isnt the hobby for you.... if you get a dog at the pound is it just an inexpensive dog? no its life just as important as any other life.
Also its spelled Perfect.



Originally posted by buddahjon
Also its spelled Perfect. :yes:

Yes it was but your grammer needs some work. I.e. Capitalization.
Hey I'm just messing with you.
But concerning Danj...
I'm fairly new to the saltwater aquaria and I've found out that people in this forum really do know what they're talking about. Even though they are "engineers, students, teachers or the whatever else they are" as you put it.
They have been real helpful with all the questions I've had. I just had to be opened minded and listen to them.
Everyone will agree with me that they were attempting to help you out in your predicament. Yes they may have come across a little rough around the edges and I do think that some did cross the line in the way they gave their two cents in. But they were just trying to help you out.
You could have been more civil about addressing their "bashing" as you put it. All that really will create more unwanted and unconstructive posts. As you can see people did apologize to you when they realized that you were getting seriously offended.
I my not be an expert here but I do agree with everyone one, your tank is really overstocked. Granted apparently you do have excellent water quality, it doesn’t address the issue of the fish’s ability to swim and maintain a healthy life. That’s what people on this board care about the most.
I can offer a simple solution to your problem for temporary means. Just confine the shark catfishes with some egg crate barrier and see if more fish continue to disappear. Granted it’s a small tank to be doing something like that but if fish continue to disappear then it’s not the catfishes.
I do have a 29 gallon tank incase you are wondering about the size of my tank. And I only have 3 small fishes in it. But I also have a 30 gal and a 20 gal refugium, so my water amounts allow me to have more fish. But I’ve only limited the tanks' inhabitants to 3 because they are very territorial fishes.
So in saying my 2 cents on this topic I can only ask that you heed the warnings here and don’t let egos be the deciding factors in what you want to do from now on.
One final thing… If you are going to keep up with that attitude regarding the pricing of fishes then you should really move on to another hobby. Just because they are inexpensive fish doesn’t mean you have the right to torture them. That mentality in this hobby will only lead to the demise of a lot more fishes than anyone here would like.
PS. Let’s all be a little civil around here. “Anger only breeds anger.”


So, Dan, how about it, grab a chair, roll up your sleeves, and let's get your tank under control...