The case of the disappering fish....


:D They must be some real hungry shrimps. Though it is a possibility they usually would eat 2 of them in 2 days.
they'd still have someon their claws and/or mouth.
And in order to get to eat them that means those two fish must have dies at the same time. Because those fishes are just a little two active for peppermint shrimps to catch and kill.

So I'm thinking that DanJ didn't realize it was missing till much later.
The picture he posted doesn't show the royal gramma nor the clown. But that doesn't mean it wasn't there.


:rolleyes: Need to make a correction... Not 2 days but one.... That's pushing it even more. LOL How fat and big are those shrimps? Guess we shouldn't be calling them "shrimps" then huh. :D
DanJ have you checked that intake tube lately to see if it has a crack on it that would allow the fishes to get sucked in? I was just reviewing the picture you posted. Also it looks like an open top tank. Am I correct on this? The stand hollow around the base and is there a gap on the floor? Possible for a fish to flop around an get lodged underneath?


Just another idea...are they just in hiding from the 7 damsels? It is amazing at how well fish can hide when they want to.


hey dan, just wondering what are your tank levels (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH and salenity) and how often are you changing your water? Im just wondering how you accomidate such a large bioload, not attacking or nuthin


ok wow ...lots of questions...... no the RG was not in the picture but the clown is ... the RGwas seen after thepicture was taken, somewhat mixed personality, like to be unter the rocks on the right but useually aggressive when provoked. definately seen Christmas Eve. maintenance... water changes every 3 - 4 weeks, lately the protein skimmer hasn't had much work to do, I don't know specifics on water quality will do that tonight when I get back from work. sixe of the shrimp about the same as the small black Percula ie slightly larger than the yellow tails.... nooticed missing the Gramma before confinement the orange percula after..... I think thats everyones questions..... sorry if I missed any ...


Yes'd I'd be interested in seeing water parameters also. Is the the tank and open top tankand do you have any gaps underneath your stand? Somewhere where the fish may have flopped under after jumping out. You forgot to answer my second set questions.

Steveoutla: If you don't have anything constructive to say then please don't post anything. We're trying to find an immediate solution to DanJ's problem. Though we all know that the long term solution would consist of removng some of the inhabitants.


Hey sorry for the delay ..... a lot of EOY stuff going on ... anyway test results ...... drum roll please..............
ph 8.4
nitrite 0
nitrate 20-40
amonia 0
so there it is .... the sharks arestill not happy .... trying to jump out.... I'm afraid they are going to get hurt.... also the anenome has moved to a different rock, normally it stayes on the same rock but it moved 2 rocks from its origin.... :confused:
Planning a 10% water change actually 5 gallons... this weekend.
well gotta go...
BTW D12 ... glass top no openings other than around the cascades.... also wood cabinet.....
well let the recommendations begin..............


to put it lightly
im stunned
ive got a 55 with insanly low stocking and tons of LR and have about the same 'trates as you. DanJ you must have the magic answer somewhere


So you're telling me that my nitrates are okay??? :confused: or normal for ...... what are you saying?????.... maybe I'm doing something right? maybe there is no answer... anyway... in the new year there will be a new tank, for them I would like to keep certain kinds of fish though...


:D Beat me to it JnJ. I was going to say that it is a bit high but there are systems here on this forum that have the nitrates in that range and the tanks are doing awesome.


Active Member
yeah i myself am battling high nitrates that go down after a water change then shoot back up. any suggestions?


im adding a fuge to kill mine as well as 10 gallon waterchanges with RODI water every other day


I have about 100 lb of live rock and prob a quart bag's worth of feather calupera one of my refugiums attached to my 29 gal tank. The other fuge attached to it has prob another 120 lbs of live rock. :D
Ammonia = 0
Nitrites = 0
Nitrates = 0
phosphate = unknown just got a test kit today with a PO4 exam in it.
:rolleyes: But I'm still dealing with a little red algae problem. Got it under sontrol but not erradicated. I thinking it's my phosphates but not sure.


HEY GET THIS ....Just saw one of the shrimp trying to get at a turbo snail!!! Ive converted my 2 1/2 gal tank I use for acclimation to house the sharks for a while.... they seem a little happier ... not much in it but some cc & them ... hope they adapt:thinking: