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  1. jserpe1947


    Your comment about Phosphate being to high is a very good point. My Calcium and alkalinity have been in range now for over a year but I have never had the Corline alage. I have always had a problem with the Phosphate being around 2.5 I just was able to get the Phosphate level to 0.05 and I'm...
  2. jserpe1947

    Phosphate reading is to high

    I'm using a 6 stage RO unit. Fish: 1 Hippo tang 4" 1 Lip stick tang 5" 1 Yellow tang 3" 3 clowns Feeding seeweed once a day Cap full of Photo plankton every other day flakes once a day
  3. jserpe1947

    Phosphate reading is to high

    I'm getting a Phosphate reading of 2.0. In the last month I have done two water changes. The first water change was done on December 15th and was 20 gal. The second was done on Jan 10th and was 15 gal. Should I increase the amount of the water changes or is their some thing else that can...
  4. jserpe1947

    Feeding Red mushrooms

    I have added several red mushrooms to my 75 gal tank and have been supplying Iodine at least once a week. Is there anything else that I could be adding that would really get them to increase in size and spread.
  5. jserpe1947

    Snowflake Eel in Reef?

    It'a a compromise. My Snow flake eal is now over a foot long and I eventualy had to move him to another tank. I wanted to have a lot of small fish and shimp in my Reef and you just can not keep the two in the same tank.
  6. jserpe1947

    Coraline Alage

    Thanks for the Feed back. Im using PC lighting. I believe I have about 240 watts on a 75 gallon tank. Im using two blue lights and two white lights. The tank has been running for over a year now and has been doing very well. I have about 50 ponds of live rock that has the Coralline...
  7. jserpe1947

    Coraline Alage

    I have been unable to get the purple coraline alage. My Calcium is at 500 and the alkalinity is around 8 dkh. Can anyone tell me what the right amount is to really produce coraline alage. Also is there any other measurments that I should be checking. Thanks!