Coraline Alage


New Member
I have been unable to get the purple coraline alage. My Calcium is at 500 and the alkalinity is around 8 dkh. Can anyone tell me what the right amount is to really produce coraline alage. Also is there any other measurments that I should be checking. Thanks!


I just set up a 65 not more than 2 months ago and im already getting good coralline growth.... that is just with regular bi weekly water changes.
now that i started dripping kalk again im sure it will be even better.
Maybe its luck.
All i did was stack my LR and baserock so that it looked een and my base rock is starting to turn green with red and purple spots.
Keep your water quality good.
PH 8.0-8.2
SG 1.024 - 1.026 (i keep mine at 1.025
CA >400<500
good flow also helps alot


New Member
Thanks for the Feed back.
Im using PC lighting. I believe I have about 240 watts on a 75 gallon tank. Im using two blue lights and two white lights. The tank has been running for over a year now and has been doing very well. I have about 50 ponds of live rock that has the Coralline growth but it has not increased. This is very frustrating at the local fish store that I go to they have to scrape if off of the glass once a week. Should I be checking the Strontium & molybdeum levels. I do not currently have this test kit and was told that as long as I did regular water changes and had a consistant calcium level that I did not need to add Strontium. Thanks again for your feed back.

tru conch

Active Member
if you scrub it on the glass or even a piece of lr, the coraline will release "spores" into the water and cause it to spread.
another way is to have a powerhead or return line blast a piece of lr causing the same effect of the spreading of spores
my coraline has taken off since i started dripping kalkwasser.


On your 75 gallon tank you are only running 3.2 watts per gallon. Im not sure if thats enough lighting to grow coralline. You might want to ask about it. Good Luck.


I agree with Sergeant. You need more lighting and new PC bulbs if they been running a year, most bulbs are only good 9 months to a year.


alot of coralline does well in low lighting...
lighting is the least of my worries when trying to grow coralline.