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  1. tankedup

    puffer question

    try a golden puffer ,hey are beautiful and rare.I actually bought one this afternoon after searching for about 6 months.The drawback is that they are pricey ,but worth it.
  2. tankedup

    puffer question

    dogfaced puffer are nice,cortez too. i have a beautiful Mappa puffer in an aggessive and he is really nice .Great personality too.
  3. tankedup

    I going to do it the right way!(shark question)

    you guys are way too serious or extremely passionate .Either way , as a general rule sharks dont belong in the home aquarium , they get too big and they do best in a round tank ,which generally only pulic aquariums have .You are limited to very little rockwork on the bottom of the tank ,and...
  4. tankedup

    banded cat shark.

    i also said that even a 150 is way too small.most if not all sharks should not be kept by the home aquarist.
  5. tankedup

    banded cat shark.

    it is normal .because cat sharks dont need to swim in order to push water across their gills,they typically will just lay there.hiding if possible until nighttime when they like most sharks become sharks also typically eat shrimp,crabs,and mussels.they are use to moving sand to find...
  6. tankedup

    New Red Volitan Lion

    i have a medium sized 8 inches red volitan lion in with a large blue cheek trigger and they are doing fine together.lionfish are very mellow from what ive seen and the only threat they pose to other fish , is if that fish looks like food to them.I also have a small 3 inches spotted hawkfish and...
  7. tankedup

    Feeding a fiddler crab to an eel

    both eat silversides and krill .Chainlinks, according to a book i have love fiddlers
  8. tankedup

    Feeding a fiddler crab to an eel

    depends on the type of eel and their natural diet .For a Zebra eel crabs are best for fish eaters then obviously silversides or live food.Banded snake eels like ghost shrimp.
  9. tankedup

    Feeding a fiddler crab to an eel

    i dont mean to beat a dead horse , but the males are fine its just best to remove the big claw since they kinda get mad and real defensive when they realize they are about to be eaten,if ya know what i mean
  10. tankedup

    Feeding a fiddler crab to an eel

    correct females dont have the big claw only the males do
  11. tankedup

    Feeding a fiddler crab to an eel

    mine have lived until they were eaten , i usually try to get atleast 3-4 dozen.then i just dump them in .I have a mappa puffer,spanish hog,birf wrasse,lyretail hog,a lionfishand a harliquin tusk , and theyall go to town on them.Be sure to break off the larger males big clawso he wont injure your...
  12. tankedup

    Feeding a fiddler crab to an eel

    I catch fiddlers all the time and feed them to my agressive tank.I use to have a zebra and he loved them.As far as I know there is no danger.All my fish have been eating them for about 8 months and no health problems.
  13. tankedup

    new aggressive tank!

    I just sold a 3 1/2 ft Tessalata. He was very very beautiful , however the first say I had him he ate an austrailian Haliquin Tusk, the 2nd night a large male bird wrasse, the 3rd a lyretail hogfish.I even went out and caught a bunch if baitfish for him to eat,which he did .He even seemed to...