Feeding a fiddler crab to an eel


I live right next to the water and there are TONS of fidder crabs. Would it be alright to catch one and feed it to my eel? (giving the crab a freshwater dip)


One more thing(this is off subject). I have a thermometer and my eel will swim up to wwhere the suckshion cup is and use it as a ladder to escape my tank. I lowered it but then he will charge straight up and hope he land on the floor. WOW, what a dumb eel
Yet, hes fun to watch do it


New Member
I catch fiddlers all the time and feed them to my agressive tank.I use to have a zebra and he loved them.As far as I know there is no danger.All my fish have been eating them for about 8 months and no health problems.


New Member
mine have lived until they were eaten , i usually try to get atleast 3-4 dozen.then i just dump them in .I have a mappa puffer,spanish hog,birf wrasse,lyretail hog,a lionfishand a harliquin tusk , and theyall go to town on them.Be sure to break off the larger males big clawso he wont injure your fish.I had one grab hold of my Lions eye once,since then i always remove the big claw.


I got an idea....dont get males? lol. jk, but yea, eels usually eat fiddlers in the wild anyway. Plus, the fiddlers would be a nice cleanup/scavenger thing going on in yer tank


New Member
i dont mean to beat a dead horse , but the males are fine its just best to remove the big claw since they kinda get mad and real defensive when they realize they are about to be eaten,if ya know what i mean


sounds like a good deal. They clean yur tank until they are all eaten then u step outside and get some more.


New Member
depends on the type of eel and their natural diet .For a Zebra eel crabs are best for fish eaters then obviously silversides or live food.Banded snake eels like ghost shrimp.


the chainlinks and the snowflake type of eels (echidna(sp?) eels i think thats what they are called) those are the eels i'm talking about.