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  1. whites60

    quick coral placement question

    its 23 inches deep and then figure my lights are another 12 inches high. the hard corals I am referring to are acros. dig. pace. etc.
  2. whites60

    quick coral placement question

    I have 2 400 watt halides on a 90g and was wondering just how low I can place my hard corals and still get a good growth rate?thanks
  3. whites60

    white bump on clown's face?

    i am unable to do it, i have even tried sizing down the size of the pics on my dig camera and it still says too big? thanks..........George
  4. whites60

    the aftermath, what now?

    Sadly enough I began with 15 beautiful fish and now I am down to 2 chromas, 1 six line wrasse and a red hawk fish and so far they all seem fine, and no one else looks infected. The only thing that is a little strange is the six line twitches, he will be just swimming along and start twitcing...
  5. whites60

    Jacksonville,FL.......Please email

    Feel free to drop an
  6. whites60

    the aftermath, what now?

    Hello, As instructed by everyone here I transfered all the sick fish over to another tank. I was able to remove all the dead fish except for 2 one being a small spotted madrin goby, I have heard if a mandrin isnt removed he could wipe out eveyrthing, coral included, any truth to this? Its a 90g...
  7. whites60

    is there a cure for Brooklynella?

    its too late for anything now, ALL i am left with now are a red flame hawk , 2 chroms, and a six line wrasse, they all look fine except the wrasse, whom i have suspected the whole time of getting everyone sick has been acting rathe rstrange latly, he twitches, i mean he will be swimming, then...
  8. whites60

    sick fish, any help would be greatly appreciated

    My corals are doing great, IS it ok if I do a 30% water change today and one tomorrow, or beter to do one big one, i just dont have anythign to mix al that in. my nitrates are at 20 (too high I know) alkalinty is at 2.8, ph 7.8 I started adding lugols iodine, i used as suggested and when I...
  9. whites60

    bristle star, harmful?

    its a brownish lblack bristle
  10. whites60

    Please help identify, I dont know what else to do

    I selected the file under the browse option, where would it put it
  11. whites60

    Please help identify, I dont know what else to do

    I knew I would probably lose all my fish from this breakout, I just didnt know how fast. I woke up this morning and I had 4 dead visible fish, talk about a depressing weekend. I could only get to 3 though. my purple tile fish had the underlining blood mark on his body for two days, DO you think...
  12. whites60

    is there a cure for Brooklynella?

    I found Beths site to be extremly informative, it answered the majority of my questions and maybe I didnt read it all but I finally found what most my fish have been dieing from IS there anything I can do or buy t treat Brooklynella ? It just seems even if did a water change someone would still...
  13. whites60

    bristle star, harmful?

    thanks, I will take some pics when I get home, I was reading beths site and looking at the pics she had, I am almost positive they have lymphocytcis(sp) and brooklynella. is there anything I can do for either of these, this is so depressing my tank is rather neww like 6 months, it was doing...
  14. whites60

    bristle star, harmful?

    Ill net and cook him but ill let you eat it. Being that you are the only one that is responding to my posts do you think you could help me with one other thing, I am not real familiar with this forum yet ,, i just started yesterday but I posted something last night in sick and diseased fish and...
  15. whites60

    bristle star, harmful?

    That sounds just like him, I do see him quite a bit at night, how would you reccomend getting him out? thank you much