Please help identify, I dont know what else to do


New Member
I knew I would probably lose all my fish from this breakout, I just didnt know how fast. I woke up this morning and I had 4 dead visible fish, talk about a depressing weekend. I could only get to 3 though. my purple tile fish had the underlining blood mark on his body for two days, DO you think that could be a cut or something internal or maybe the act of a large bristle star?
I cant think of the name of the fish , but the one above that in the pic seems to be blotated in the same area, the goby doesnt really have anything noticebaly wrong.
At this point I dont need a remedy because I have pretty much lost all my fish I have just about 5 more . it is just driving me absolutely crazy trying to figure out what happened.
I have one question and this could be the reason to it all. Is it possible for a fish to be the host and show no symptons and never be sick. I had a six line wrasse out live a break out in another tank and he seemed fine so I idioticly put him in the main tank, which I am beginning to think was a mistake. Its quite sad I had to lose 10 fish before I realized how important a QT tank is, so needless to say one will be bought this weekend. Thank you all for your help, I just waited a little to long to see what this forum was all about and I am now paying for it. thank you much...George


Active Member

Originally posted by whites60
Is it possible for a fish to be the host and show no symptons and never be sick.

Absolutely. If a fish is otherwise healthy, it may be able to develop a limited immunity to a specific illness. Many times this results in the parasite not being able to reproduce as well. Often the fish will still show a few small spots (depending on the illness). However, once a fish without the immunity is introduced, the parasite is able to reproduce in large amounts again (and often kill the new fish).
Fortunately, this is a rare situation in a Quarantine tank. The process of getting moved from tank to tank increases the stress that the fish is under. This usually allows diseases to become apparent.


Staff member
If you downsize the pic to 500x500 and use jpeg format you should be able to post the picture. Use your Paint program if you have Windows.
Did you notice ich at all, or did they die overnight?