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  1. cheryldola

    Bristle Worms Are Taking Over HELP!

    Does anyone have a solution to an ever growing bristle worm population?????? I understand there are some fish that eat them. Or traps? What can I do to get rid of these critters???? They are snacking on my corals. Cheryl:help:
  2. cheryldola

    Agressive Clarkii Clown

    I like art too..check this site Thats'me.
  3. cheryldola

    Agressive Clarkii Clown

    Has anyone had a clarkii clown go agressive? I have lost 4 fish lately, and swear the clown is the culprit. He attacked me while i was cleaning the front....lives in a huge magnifica anenome that also stings the crap out of anything around it, including me. What do you think? C