Agressive Clarkii Clown


New Member
Has anyone had a clarkii clown go agressive? I have lost 4 fish lately, and swear the clown is the culprit. He attacked me while i was cleaning the front....lives in a huge magnifica anenome that also stings the crap out of anything around it, including me.
What do you think?


I doubt this will help, but my perc. clown went way aggressive, like at the snap of a finger. He bites me too....and tears at anyone he can. He has been sent to the qt tank. (Fish Jail)Gonna give him one more chance in the main tank, once our new fish are 'feeling at home' and if he doesn't behave......back to the store.


my clown is the same, so is the black damsel, i just dont know wich to fry first? ( do u want them? they are free to agood home!!!!!!!!!!! my be bad home 2!

mybe they are female and thats way they act like that? what do u think guys?????


whoaaaaa...........might be female.....assuming we all have pms alla the time........uh hum.:eek:
Personally, I think they are men acting like boys


Active Member
the only real agressive clowns i have heard of are the maroon and cinnamons. other than that, most clowns are very peaceful. i guess there's a few out there that are bold tempered. could it be a thing of territory?
rickstar- almost all damsels are known for their agression, so that's nothing that is your fault. i have a 3 striped damsel from hell. he is mean and doesn't like any other fish in my tank. i would be happy to take another clown! are you really serious about it?


Active Member
Any clown will get agressive as they get older/biger and Clarkis canget 5 in. When they have a good host they will protect it and if theres a pair with eggs. forget it.:eek:


Active Member
haha it sounds like Lionkiller's Clarki is spreading the ranges of his mafia....well, one of the mafias in his tank