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  1. wog99

    20 gal Tall s/u 4-sale (colorado)

    Hey man I sent you some pics let me know what you think....!
  2. wog99

    20 gal Tall s/u 4-sale (colorado)

    This is for my entire setup... Included is, 24" 2x65w power compact by coralife (2 month old bulbs), 20" 1x28w powercomapact (no bulb), Marineland H.O Magnum 250 canister filter, top fin filter, Maxi-jet 600 power head, 50 watt heater, 20 gal tall tank, 1 1/2" live sand in base of aquarium, 2...
  3. wog99

    Weird Anenome fish relationship

    First I have got to state that ***** should not be allowed to sell saltwater fish!!! Anyway, I try to save a fish from there every month or so, and then bring them to the local fish store for credit and buy corals or supplies. Anyway... the latest savior I've aqcuired has formed a wierd bond...
  4. wog99

    Algea needs to go

    Ok I have a 10gal reef I have a few ricordea, a small colony of yellow polyps, a false perc, and a banded goby 5 snails and 2 blue leg hermits. I started to grow some serious algea, the figer algea I believe it is called and I can't for the life of me get ride of it. Its starting to overwhelm my...
  5. wog99

    I need goby help!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for all of the help, he seems to be doing ok, he swims a lot but more towards the middle of the tank and yes he is eating but it looks like he takes in the food then spits it out so I'm not sure what he is doing there so???
  6. wog99

    I need goby help!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok I've recently purchased a green bar goby and he always looks dead so I put my spoon in the tank to make sure he is alive, I know its not good for the fish but I'm really worried he is dieing or going to die. I know they are not a swimming fish they like to perch but when he is sitting there...
  7. wog99

    Little critters

    Ok so my new tank has been set up for a while and the other day while I was observing, I noticed some very small critters running around my yellow polyps. It looked as if there were three with one being the dominate and the other two were going after it. Should I be worried about my polyps and...
  8. wog99

    Brown Algea

    good news my snails finally started doing there job and it is starting to go away slowly. thanks all for the help
  9. wog99

    new clown fish whats wrong with him?

    clowns like the current, mine swims amongst the current all day until the lights go off, and you might want to try and get the ph up a tad that is a little low.
  10. wog99

    Brown Algea

    bcollie how long have you had your tank set up for now?
  11. wog99

    Brown Algea

    good news because its everywhere
  12. wog99

    Is buying "brand" name lighting important?

    name brands are something to consider but lighting is second most important in this hobby as is water quality. The better lighting and more wattage you have running in your tank, the more diverse marine life you can carry out in your tank. I run about 45 watts in my 10 gal with coralife, and...
  13. wog99

    12g nano cube lights

    slednecks what type of bulb is it and how long, I'm interested in buying!
  14. wog99

    Brown Algea

    the tank has been set up for about a month know but when a freind of mine started his 30 gal he never ran into any brown algea? I am running a lot of different types of LR in my tank though. Well thanks for the replies, and what size tank do you have your queen conch in?
  15. wog99

    Brown Algea

    In my 10 gal nano I have some brown algea growth along the top of my LS and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get ride of it. I'm thinking about purchasing a skarlet skunk shrimp, and when the problem is resolved transfering him to my 55 gal. Any ideas on what I can add?