new clown fish whats wrong with him?


New Member
i jusst got a new clownfish, it is the first fish ever in my tank. i have a nano, and it sits in the back corner and lays a little bit sideways. it will swim if i move the algae magnet, or turn the lights on, and will swim to get food, but what is wrong with it. i ran tests on the water and here are the results.
help please!!!!!!!!:notsure:


Active Member
Even as I type this, my pair of clownfish are both lying on the bottom of the tank sideways, sleeping on the sand. The lights don't go on for another half hour, but when they do go on, they'll start swimming around. :)


New Member
thanks lefty, that helps me feel a little better, but what about when he swims? even when he swims, he swims sideways, and always up at the top against the that ok...
i ran my water tests again and the were the same except the trates are now at 5 and the Ph is at 7.8...if you have anymore suggestions i would appreciate it, if not then thanks for what you have told me.


New Member
clowns like the current, mine swims amongst the current all day until the lights go off, and you might want to try and get the ph up a tad that is a little low.


Active Member
Your pH is a little low, but not enough to cause any problems.
It is typical, tank-raised clown behavior to often swim sideways at the top of the tank, awaiting the next time they will be fed. Is your fish swimming like this all the time? Does he seem like he has to fight hard to go down or float up without any swimming motion? If so, your fish may have a swim bladder problem.


New Member
Don't worry when i first got my clown he acted weird too, but a couple days later he was fine, You might want to lower your nitrate level alittle too because that might be why your clown is acting so weird. :D


Active Member
5ppm nitrates isn't going to harm it, that is pretty good.
It sounds like if your fish alway swims sideways it could have a swim bladder disorder. Give it a few days and see waht happens. Mine sleep sideways behind my emperor 400 ouput all night until the lights come on, then they perk up and swim around all day.


New Member
i think it might have a swim bladder problem...what can i do for that?.....he will swim to the bottom, but it is a struggle, and then float to the top when he stops swimming.....he eats fine, and he swims now, but he never leaves the surface more than a couple of seconds


Active Member
Sounds like Swim Bladder alright. First off, fish with a failing/nonfunctional swim bladder have been known to live just fine with the problem. To try and fix it, I'm going to quote Beth:
"Try using Nitrofurazone [Furacyn by Aquatronics] at 30mg/gal in a QT with sick fish. Dose one time only. If the fish is not getting better after 3 days, then do a water change and switch antibiotics to Maracyn Two for Saltwaterfish."
Hope this helps. :)