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  1. geforce02

    Hyposalinity for treatment of ICK

    I have used this and it does work!
  2. geforce02

    Hyposalinity for treatment of ICK

    i have used this and it worked great!
  3. geforce02

    finishing with ich

    Ok i did some research and found a good site on the subject hope this helps you out!
  4. geforce02

    finishing with ich

    I did it with my fish in the tank because they had it all over them and had to be treated before they went down the toliet! I found the information on here that someone posted along time ago. If i remember correctly i had to drop the salinity to 1.009 for it to work but you will need to varify...
  5. geforce02

    finishing with ich

    i never had a problem. didnt loose any of my stock, and the ick went bye bye.
  6. geforce02

    finishing with ich

    I got rid of my ich by lowering my salinity of the water. it does work but is a pain in the a_ _! Look online for directions.