finishing with ich


how do u know that ich is out of your tank. My fish have been in a 29 gallon for 2-3 weeks and where treated for ich. I dont want to put them back in and find out that i have to take them out again.
I have a 25 watt in my 55 gallon. I know it is high for a 55 but its gonna be put in a 150 or larger later. T


Ich, as I understand, is everpresent in home tanks. The variable is, are your fish strong enough to handle it. Poor water conditions, aggressive fish, or other factors can weaken fish to where the pathogen can "get ahold".
Sort of like people... There's disease all around us, but unless we're weakened by stress or otherwise, we stay healthy.
Ich, in a clean, robust tank, will not kill a fish, in my opinion.
BTW, you have a 25 watt what... UV steralizer?
I suggest you look at the water conditions, or evaluate if there is a situation that causes stress in the tank.


it was introduced with a fish that i bought. I did not quarentine it at first. My mistake that i have now learned.
The fish are fine now they are ich free in a quarentine.


New Member
I got rid of my ich by lowering my salinity of the water. it does work but is a pain in the a_ _! Look online for directions.


so do you do it with your fish in the aquarium. Can someone point me to instructions on how to do this?
Thank you


New Member
I did it with my fish in the tank because they had it all over them and had to be treated before they went down the toliet!
I found the information on here that someone posted along time ago. If i remember correctly i had to drop the salinity to 1.009 for it to work but you will need to varify that. i did water changes over a few days with plain distiled water until i reached my goal. Then i think i had to keep it there for like a month to make sure it was all dead. Ick has a long life cycle and it can be in the tank and can not always be seen. Just do a search on the net iam sure you can find something.....Good Luck!