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  1. queek

    tankmates for 15 gallon tank that go with clownfish

    I am a big fan of Royal Grammas. My True perc Clown and Gramma have been doing great together for some time now and the colors go good together. Plus it seems that the clown teaches the Gramma to eat foods he would not normaly eat, like flakes and pelt food. Queek
  2. queek

    nano cube stocking list

    I would say be carefull on the choice on starfish if you are going to add one. Alot of them eat corals, I found out the hard way. /shiver chocolate starfish queek
  3. queek

    nano for clownfish

    I would say 2 false Pec's or 2 true perc's they dont need much tank place and you can find them tank raised so easy. Being tank raised makes life so much easier. I have read a few books that say they can even spawn in such a small tank but I think that might be a little out there. Just make...
  4. queek

    live rock?

    I myself have been told about 1.25 tp 1.75 pounds per gallon. In some tanks I would have to say that is a good set up in others it might be to much, no room for the fish to swim and a pain to clean in some tanks. Queek
  5. queek

    PH and Ick

    It has been almost a week and it seems to be clearing up. Sometimes I still see the Gramma scratching but there is no spots to be seen. I am still fighting this PH problem and could use a few tips on this one. Queek
  6. queek

    PH and Ick

    After having my fish in the tank for a few weeks and adding a few corals to the tank I finally thought I had this all set and was able to set back and enjoy my tank. About 3 days ago I saw that my Royal Gramma had ick. The poor guy look so bad so I was told that I should give him a FW dip and...
  7. queek

    What else to add ?

    I am thinking that I will not be adding anymore new fish to the tank for a very long time as it seems I am fighting a battle with Ick I think the flux of the PH from night to day is way to much (7.9 at night to 8.3 daytime) and I need to find a way to put a stop to this as I have been told that...
  8. queek


    Mudplayerx I did play Warhammer Alot! and my race was the Skaven. That is where the name came from, he was my main man for a many battle and died almost every time he was on the field:D Queek
  9. queek

    What to add ?

    As I watch the tank more I am starting to think that maybe I do have enough fish and that I dont really need to be adding something so big. I think I might just go more heavy on the corals and get a few more pounds of live rock. Thanks for the tips guys this board has been a great help to me...
  10. queek


    The thing that got me was the "corpses" were whole and not broken up. I got one out of the tank and got it one a plastic card, dried it off and got a real close look at it and it was empty. There was no meat in the shell plus when I was getting the shell out it fell out of my pipett(sp?) and...
  11. queek

    To much Light ?

    NH3/NH4+ - 0, NO2- 0, NO3- 0, Ph - 8.2, SG - 1.023 Temp 77, Ca 440, KH- 9dh These are all good numbers so I dont think its the water. Maybe need to get them to more light and keep an eye on them. Thanks for the help guys, great board to be a part of. Dont see to many flames and trolls here so...
  12. queek


    I have found 4 hermit corpses in my tank the past 3 days and I dont know why. The strange thing about this is that I can't seem to find any empty shells and I figure if they are being killed there should be a few empty shells somewhere. Could these "corpses" that I am seeing be in fact molting...
  13. queek

    To much Light ?

    How many days would you wait till you think you should move them?. I have had mine in the tank for about 4 days and they are still all shrunkin up and dont look to happy. I have them under a rock ledge so they are not getting full lighting and the water flow is off of them as well. thanks Queek
  14. queek

    Skimmer on a JBJ Nano

    I have been doing 10% changes a week as it stands and all seems to be well. Really just wanted to see if anyone had sucessfully converted or added one to theirs. Thanks for the info Queek
  15. queek

    To much Light ?

    Is there such a thing as to much light for mushroom corals? Where is the best placement for these ? Thanks Queek
  16. queek

    What to add ?

    Not to many Replys on this one. Starting to think It dont matter much. Queek
  17. queek

    Is this too much fish?

    I think that one with the yellow mouth and belly is a Fiji blue devil. At least that is what I have seen them sold for around here for just a few dollars more than a regular Blue devil. I had to sell mine back to the LFS because it became a punk so I would keep an eye on them with the other...
  18. queek

    Is this too much fish?

    Those 2 damselfish sound to me like Fiji Blue devils or even male blue devils, but that is just a guess:) Queek
  19. queek

    Skimmer on a JBJ Nano

    Anyone out there have a good set up for adding a Protien Skimmer to a 24gl JBJ Nano Deluxe? Or do you think its even needed ? Queek :notsure:
  20. queek

    What else to add ?

    I would have to agree on the LR :) Queek