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  1. bronk&mac

    911!! Birttle star

    Ophiura..We have the reef safe Wrasse, Halichoeres ornatissimus, the Ornamented wrasse. I read the two descriptions and looked at the pics and ours has the two ocelli on the dorsal fin. Thanks for the great web site recommendation.
  2. bronk&mac

    911!! Birttle star

    Ophiura... thanks for the great information. It eats pellets and plankton that are on the bottom. The last water change was almost a week ago, and I just added more water to fill up tank from evaporation, normal things I do all the time. We've been adding little pieces of live rock in like...
  3. bronk&mac

    911!! Birttle star

    Well I was thinking along the lines that it might regenerate itself, you know like the legs do. It was still alive this morning but hidden in its hole in the rock. Did yours die immediately?
  4. bronk&mac

    A question about Seahorses

    bailey.... is right they are very hard to take care of and need lots of attention. It is very hard to get them to eat
  5. bronk&mac

    911!! Birttle star

    We've had the star for 6 months, and introduced it the same way we did everything else, float, fill bag with our water, then put in tank water. Before introducing fish we let the tank run for about 2 months. bailey52 did your star die? or is it still living? thanks Amanda
  6. bronk&mac

    A question about Seahorses

    I've been told that a 30 gal tank would work well to have a seahorses in. It might be hard to find a 30 gal tank but I think a 20 gal might even do the trick for 2 of them. Seahorses like to live in groups so if your have 2 or 3 or 4 in a tank they would like it well. I also know that they...
  7. bronk&mac

    911!! Birttle star

    Hello we're new here and I need some help. I came home from work to find my brittle star with a chunk missing from it central disc. The insides of the star is totally visible. We have had this 55 gal tank for 6 months, and have an x-mas wrasse, a 3 stripe damselfish, a royal gramma, Chocolate...